How Long Do I Have?


New Member
Okay how is everyone?
Hope Well
heres the thing, its been almost 48 hrs into germination and seeds are in a paper towel. White tails are extending out pretty well. However I just found out I cant transplant them into rockwool until Friday the earliest.
It is Tuesday here. Even though they are ready to be moved is it possible to keep them in the paper towels until Friday? thanks

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Why cant u put them in something put her in dirt and a styrafoam cup but do something i dont think seeds can live that long with out rooting. Can they?


New Member
Why cant u put them in something put her in dirt and a styrafoam cup but do something i dont think seeds can live that long with out rooting. Can they?
Because I would have to transport 10+ pots over 200 miles. If they were in the towel and any problems were to happen....

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
They want out, but you're kind of stuck. Keep 'em very moist but not sloshing in a flat tray. They will root to the paper and each other. Use scissors to separate them as best you can, and pot each seedling, strip of paper and all. If 2 are intertwined inextricably, choose the more vibrant one, and cut the other away.


New Member
They want out, but you're kind of stuck. Keep 'em very moist but not sloshing in a flat tray. They will root to the paper and each other. Use scissors to separate them as best you can, and pot each seedling, strip of paper and all. If 2 are intertwined inextricably, choose the more vibrant one, and cut the other away.
Im going to put them in there own paper towels and bags since you say that so I wont lose any from that way .Thanks


New Member
LOL stop. Moved them to rockwool. I got an idea to keep them for the trip.thanks except for the guy with the death pictures haha


Well-Known Member
LOL stop. Moved them to rockwool. I got an idea to keep them for the trip.thanks except for the guy with the death pictures haha
Pictures are worth a thousand words, but if you're swift you understood what the pictures meant.
1st one was diagnosis negative if you don't transplant.

2nd picture was the death of your seeds if you left them in a napkin for 3 more days.


Well-Known Member
I have left sprouts sitting in towel for a few days... actually had the 2 colydon leaves and the husk was off too. They were fine. But not any longer than that as they need light.


New Member
Pictures are worth a thousand words, but if you're swift you understood what the pictures meant.
1st one was diagnosis negative if you don't transplant.

2nd picture was the death of your seeds if you left them in a napkin for 3 more days.
Definitely , the last one had me like okay time to move