How long before seeds are ready?


Well-Known Member
I have an indoor grow using clones of standard strains. I have 9 more plants I'm allowed to grow so I thought about growing some autos outside. Because I'd rather not keep paying the high prices of seeds, I was going to let my first auto grow go to seed--because of my indoor grow I don't need the extra weed...this is all an experiment.

I'm curious how many seeds cannabis flowers make and how long do they have to grow before they are viable and harvest-able. Is there anything I have to do to the seeds when I collect them?

Thanks for any info. I want to learn about seeds and such in case I ever want to make seeds indoors.


Active Member
Seeds take about 6 weeks to become viable once pollinated. I painted a single side bud and got over 100+ so it doesn't take much (when you paint the pollen on at least). Grew them 2 months later with 100% germ success. I've heard this stuff about waiting awhile before the seeds will grow but in my experience it doesn't really need that long. I think you just have to dry them completely. I kept them in an envelope for a month and since have kept them in a joint tube with a cotton ball. Never lost a seed only 1 runt so far out of around 25 grown.
From what i've seen and read seeds aren't truly viable until the bud is nearly mature. this is not to say that a few weeks before there won't be any mature seeds, but typically they are not ready until nearly the end of the flowering process. U can tell when seeeds r ripe they look ripe and mature and not like a white primo seed, there are other factors that can alter this such as strain and when pollinated but I would wait until bud matures or the seeds