How late is too late? Part 2

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
@Sfrigon 1 said;
Got a cross I made finishing up and noticed a freshly growing nanner at the very top of main cola. Its like three weeks out and don't wanna risk those opening and spreading pollen. Wtf can I do???

There are several good answers in the original thread.
I'll answer with more detail and base information.

First off, what you're seeing can be somewhat common. I agree with @curious2garden, when she said you likely have an environmental based nanner source.
Simple 2 answers for a solution are;

#1: Get out your tweezers and pluck the suckers!

#2: Ignore them!

Background information on "Nanners" and in general, plants that throw them.

First: A plant that throws occasional "nanners or Banana's" is not a herm!
A plant that throws actual BALLS is a "herm" or in actual Botanical terms - A "Bisexual" plant.

In general, a plant throwing a few odd nanners is responding to the natural trait of the "genus Cannabis" self replicate by some environmental influence.
They can, in the future, by continuing cloning, to stop that.

There are strains that have been breed by Rodelization (As @curious2garden does - sometimes) that have the nasty tendency to really, really throw a shit ton of nanners! This is not a good, stable breeding result. It will carry over in about 75% of the seeds run, AND of those 25%that don't. They still carry the genetic make up to cause this issue in further breeding.
This was how the first "Femmed" seeds were made. Due to this discovery on the banana issue. It is not practiced by commercial seed producers anymore.

Now lets look at the actual plant and the "odd few nanners"

FACT: The few nanners that your plant is throwing. Are most likely sterile! By experience in the lab (in college and not cannabis) and by my own hand at home (cannabis). I find that these are by far, less then 15% viable. Even the "viable" ones are not exactly "good" at doing thy're job.

Example: In the last 15 years of growing - Paying close attention to this exact thing! I have only gotten 12, that's right, only 12 beans from any odd banana throwing plant. 1 plant had 4 of those AND none of those 4 beans were viable! In fact, none of the 12 were viable.
This was due to how late they had the issue happen. No time for the seed to mature before harvest.

Now then.
You should have simply run the plant out, and enjoyed what you got.

Last tidbit of info on actual seeded plants.
Plants delivering seeds,,,contain types of THC and other compounds NOT found in non-seeded plants!

Some people looking for that "Old school" laughing trippy high.... Actually run seeded plants in their grows. They have non-seeded also but the bulk is seeded weed.

I have to admit. In trials of some of this seeded weed...The effect is quite nice and,,,different.

You have a plant that throws a few nanners?
pluck'em or fergit about it! But, don't pull them, run them.

IF they are covered with them, all over the plant - KILL THOSE!

PLEASE use this new thread for positive posting....
Nobody wins a trolling "war". Not even Trump!

On a totally nother topic (You opened the door for this post :hug:)

That cross I did of GG#4 and Bruce Banner...

The reports are coming back from testers and they are all off the hook!

I (we) hunted out 1 pheno that I (we) all picked as "the one".

It veg's slower and is a shorter plant but, it throws big super dense nugs that blast you off, and with NONE of that paranoia, that can come into play from the better GG4 pheno's (mine came from the early clone only days - it has that trait).
The Indica side is quite evident but, that Sativa pop is still there.

She is called Bruce's Monkey.... Right now - clone only - :wink::wink:
@Sfrigon 1 said;
Got a cross I made finishing up and noticed a freshly growing nanner at the very top of main cola. Its like three weeks out and don't wanna risk those opening and spreading pollen. Wtf can I do???

There are several good answers in the original thread.
I'll answer with more detail and base information.

First off, what you're seeing can be somewhat common. I agree with @curious2garden, when she said you likely have an environmental based nanner source.
Simple 2 answers for a solution are;

#1: Get out your tweezers and pluck the suckers!

#2: Ignore them!

Background information on "Nanners" and in general, plants that throw them.

First: A plant that throws occasional "nanners or Banana's" is not a herm!
A plant that throws actual BALLS is a "herm" or in actual Botanical terms - A "Bisexual" plant.

In general, a plant throwing a few odd nanners is responding to the natural trait of the "genus Cannabis" self replicate by some environmental influence.
They can, in the future, by continuing cloning, to stop that.

There are strains that have been breed by Rodelization (As @curious2garden does - sometimes) that have the nasty tendency to really, really throw a shit ton of nanners! This is not a good, stable breeding result. It will carry over in about 75% of the seeds run, AND of those 25%that don't. They still carry the genetic make up to cause this issue in further breeding.
This was how the first "Femmed" seeds were made. Due to this discovery on the banana issue. It is not practiced by commercial seed producers anymore.

Now lets look at the actual plant and the "odd few nanners"

FACT: The few nanners that your plant is throwing. Are most likely sterile! By experience in the lab (in college and not cannabis) and by my own hand at home (cannabis). I find that these are by far, less then 15% viable. Even the "viable" ones are not exactly "good" at doing thy're job.

Example: In the last 15 years of growing - Paying close attention to this exact thing! I have only gotten 12, that's right, only 12 beans from any odd banana throwing plant. 1 plant had 4 of those AND none of those 4 beans were viable! In fact, none of the 12 were viable.
This was due to how late they had the issue happen. No time for the seed to mature before harvest.

Now then.
You should have simply run the plant out, and enjoyed what you got.

Last tidbit of info on actual seeded plants.
Plants delivering seeds,,,contain types of THC and other compounds NOT found in non-seeded plants!

Some people looking for that "Old school" laughing trippy high.... Actually run seeded plants in their grows. They have non-seeded also but the bulk is seeded weed.

I have to admit. In trials of some of this seeded weed...The effect is quite nice and,,,different.

You have a plant that throws a few nanners?
pluck'em or fergit about it! But, don't pull them, run them.

IF they are covered with them, all over the plant - KILL THOSE!

PLEASE use this new thread for positive posting....
Nobody wins a trolling "war". Not even Trump!
I would pluck them if I knew I got every single one, but this is not likely. Ty for continuing this thread as I am eager from r info !
@Sfrigon 1 said;
Got a cross I made finishing up and noticed a freshly growing nanner at the very top of main cola. Its like three weeks out and don't wanna risk those opening and spreading pollen. Wtf can I do???

There are several good answers in the original thread.
I'll answer with more detail and base information.

First off, what you're seeing can be somewhat common. I agree with @curious2garden, when she said you likely have an environmental based nanner source.
Simple 2 answers for a solution are;

#1: Get out your tweezers and pluck the suckers!

#2: Ignore them!

Background information on "Nanners" and in general, plants that throw them.

First: A plant that throws occasional "nanners or Banana's" is not a herm!
A plant that throws actual BALLS is a "herm" or in actual Botanical terms - A "Bisexual" plant.

In general, a plant throwing a few odd nanners is responding to the natural trait of the "genus Cannabis" self replicate by some environmental influence.
They can, in the future, by continuing cloning, to stop that.

There are strains that have been breed by Rodelization (As @curious2garden does - sometimes) that have the nasty tendency to really, really throw a shit ton of nanners! This is not a good, stable breeding result. It will carry over in about 75% of the seeds run, AND of those 25%that don't. They still carry the genetic make up to cause this issue in further breeding.
This was how the first "Femmed" seeds were made. Due to this discovery on the banana issue. It is not practiced by commercial seed producers anymore.

Now lets look at the actual plant and the "odd few nanners"

FACT: The few nanners that your plant is throwing. Are most likely sterile! By experience in the lab (in college and not cannabis) and by my own hand at home (cannabis). I find that these are by far, less then 15% viable. Even the "viable" ones are not exactly "good" at doing thy're job.

Example: In the last 15 years of growing - Paying close attention to this exact thing! I have only gotten 12, that's right, only 12 beans from any odd banana throwing plant. 1 plant had 4 of those AND none of those 4 beans were viable! In fact, none of the 12 were viable.
This was due to how late they had the issue happen. No time for the seed to mature before harvest.

Now then.
You should have simply run the plant out, and enjoyed what you got.

Last tidbit of info on actual seeded plants.
Plants delivering seeds,,,contain types of THC and other compounds NOT found in non-seeded plants!

Some people looking for that "Old school" laughing trippy high.... Actually run seeded plants in their grows. They have non-seeded also but the bulk is seeded weed.

I have to admit. In trials of some of this seeded weed...The effect is quite nice and,,,different.

You have a plant that throws a few nanners?
pluck'em or fergit about it! But, don't pull them, run them.

IF they are covered with them, all over the plant - KILL THOSE!

PLEASE use this new thread for positive posting....
Nobody wins a trolling "war". Not even Trump!
Ty seriously this is great info . No ball sacs so this is helpful . Question and sorry if u answered it, can this be bred out .

On a totally nother topic (You opened the door for this post :hug:)

That cross I did of GG#4 and Bruce Banner...

The reports are coming back from testers and they are all off the hook!

I (we) hunted out 1 pheno that I (we) all picked as "the one".

It veg's slower and is a shorter plant but, it throws big super dense nugs that blast you off, and with NONE of that paranoia, that can come into play from the better GG4 pheno's (mine came from the early clone only days - it has that trait).
The Indica side is quite evident but, that Sativa pop is still there.

She is called Bruce's Monkey.... Right now - clone only - :wink::wink: