How is my little one doing? :) With Pics!


This will be my first harvest so i don't really know exactly what im looking for lol
Im currently flowering 5 different Autos under a 600w, with temps between 75 and 80 through complete grow.
This is the first one that started flowering and wanted to know when you all might think it might be ready :)
The one in the pics is an Auto Lowryder x Power Plant by Dutch Passion, it started flowering at day 19 and is now 45 days into flowering so i hope its doing ok for 64 days total!

Its states seed to harvest in 70 days where i brought the seeds but i also know thats under PERFECT growing conditions, this one unfortunately hasn't had a perfect life lol

I left it in my girlfriends hands while i went away for a week and she over fed it, well all of them but this is the only one that seemed to suffer the effects!

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Many Thanks Everyone! :)


Well-Known Member
If that's suffering, you can send your girl over here, looks great. Nice photos of the trichs, and by the looks of those, you have some amber already so it's ready to chop. Unless you like the buzz where you do nothing all day, I'd cut that puppy now. Well done!


Thank you very much! thats what i was wanting to hear :) lol
Well it looks like i better start getting my dry box sorted and find myself a nice pair of scissors!
Thanks again! :)


Active Member
My god those are great. Did I see one ambered? this appears to me like their going to finish up with next week or so. Everyone is different to their preference of harvest. Me I dont wait till the 70% amber like most say. I like to harvest around 50%. You should have seen my first plant........embarresing, I followed advice on the internet and had many setbacks, most are useless techniques, (Ive been yelled at before about saying this) but, the only way to find out is trial and error, if it seems lik common since to you try it. If you have any dought DONT!


i must admit i have had another close look and im thinking im going to give it about another 3 or 4 days because a few of the lower nodes are getting a little bigger so want them to amber up first :)
I was soooo tempted to chop it tonight but i just don't want to make the mistake of chopping it early! lol
I have found this website such a fantastic source of information, so many people are happy to help and i found it was just a matter of reading loads for months and seeing what works for me lol
Thanks for the advice TheTokingKing and Ledhed :)