How Important Is Humidity To Seedlings


My seedlings don't seam to be growing as fast as some threads I have seen...

They were 2 day's sprouted out of the propergator into 3 and 7 gallon bag's and hardened of a few days outside in the shade then right out in full sun...

Before it's mentioned..I don't think I have overwatered them at ALL...

The humidity outside has been pretty dam low everyday the past 2 to 3 week's could this be a issue with these seedlings?

The first groups of pic's...Seeds popped on 6/13 and outdoors the 15th Bruce Banners


The next group are fast buds wedding cheese cake and orange sherbert...These were potted up on 6/2120210630_200545.jpg

The older plants just got their first dose of fertilizer on 6/28...The smaller one's this evening

What do yal think? Complete newb here so take that under advisement
The first pics look good. There's damage obviously on the one in the second set, but it will recover. They're doing fine.

How much humidity is ideal depends on temperature. Seedlings like more humidity than full veg plants, which like more humidity than flowering plants.
The first pics look good. There's damage obviously on the one in the second set, but it will recover. They're doing fine.

How much humidity is ideal depends on temperature. Seedlings like more humidity than full veg plants, which like more humidity than flowering plants.
Pretty sure that damage come from misting them while the sun was out and the water burned it
Third picture looks like you may have a worm eating away at the leaves, otherwise, they look good to me, are they indica?, if so, that is the way they grow.
Give them a bit to get their mojo on and they'll be fine.

You're not watering them in full sun are you? Not good to have water on the leaves under bright lights.

I have a bunch of autos in the garden and was worried about them but they're getting legs under them now and starting to take off.

Good luck!

Seedlings don't need a lot of humidity tbh. Ive see my own thrive off 30% R/H at high temps in the 80+ range and they do fine off the moisture in the soil. Just make sure you aren't spraying the leaves and letting them scorche out in the sun like @OldMedUser was saying. In the future id suggest using solo cups for starting seedlings so you can pick up the cup to feel how much water they have left in them. It may not seem like you are over watering them but letting the soil dry out a little more than you feel comfortable with actually helps the growth as long as they don't wilt. I used to have that problem where the sec i saw it was getting dry id water, i quit doing that one day, let the soil dry a little more, and boom its like the seedlings grew 2 nodes over night. From then on ive been having explosive growth on every seedling
Third picture looks like you may have a worm eating away at the leaves, otherwise, they look good to me, are they indica?, if so, that is the way they grow.
Came home this evening and found that little sumbitch hiding under that leaf and mashed his ass! Thanks