How has legalization affected your market?


Well-Known Member
Every state is different. After legalization there seems to be a series of changes, slow shifts etc. before things settle down.

In particular I'm interested in illegal or grey growers. What happened after legalization? Did you pack it up and buy from the dispensary? Just grow for yourself, crank up the volume and double the wattage? How did stupid laws affect your strategy? What happened to quality?

How did the market change over time? The pattern seems to be shortages and long lines immediately after legalization, followed by a glut. Then what? Some states seemed to just export themselves out of a problem but that only works so far.

How do you see it playing out over the long term?
Every state is different. After legalization there seems to be a series of changes, slow shifts etc. before things settle down.

In particular I'm interested in illegal or grey growers. What happened after legalization? Did you pack it up and buy from the dispensary? Just grow for yourself, crank up the volume and double the wattage? How did stupid laws affect your strategy? What happened to quality?

How did the market change over time? The pattern seems to be shortages and long lines immediately after legalization, followed by a glut. Then what? Some states seemed to just export themselves out of a problem but that only works so far.

How do you see it playing out over the long term?
Alaska here. Hell no nobody stopped growing. Retail sucks pretty much as far as overall quality. Blame it on the pandemic I guess but retail prices are not dropping and some places have raised prices.

This is why Washington won’t allow you to grow. Oregon 4 plants. But I can hit Portland at 6 and by 7 have ounces of kickass outdoor for $100. “Nasty” outdoor like the snobs refer to it.

At the first when retails were just getting the doors open there were people dropping dimes on the black market growers. There is no “grey” market.
They (border (patrol) quit making large busts at the border in both California and Arizona. Nor or they finding any more large drops in the desert. Obviously the demand for illegal has been reduced. I'm sure they simply moved on to something else still illegal and more profitable.
Every state is different. After legalization there seems to be a series of changes, slow shifts etc. before things settle down.

In particular I'm interested in illegal or grey growers. What happened after legalization? Did you pack it up and buy from the dispensary? Just grow for yourself, crank up the volume and double the wattage? How did stupid laws affect your strategy? What happened to quality?

How did the market change over time? The pattern seems to be shortages and long lines immediately after legalization, followed by a glut. Then what? Some states seemed to just export themselves out of a problem but that only works so far.

How do you see it playing out over the long term?
Biz is booming bc I can undercut the corps by over 50% thanks to their mark ups
They (border (patrol) quit making large busts at the border in both California and Arizona. Nor or they finding any more large drops in the desert. Obviously the demand for illegal has been reduced. I'm sure they simply moved on to something else still illegal and more profitable.

I think the cartels were just using bundles of weed so the people they were smuggling would have something to sit on. Originally they were passing out kilos of meth in Tucson, San Diego etc. at $5K each and having free lancers drive them back east and sell. You saw a lot of busts involving 10-30 kg in a duffel bag in the trunk. Then a few years ago the cartels seemed to take the operation over completely, the small busts dried up and it started getting moved in semi trucks. The busts became infrequent and larger. And then fentanyl showed up.

Meanwhile, California was exporting it's bumper crop 100 lbs at a time as fast as Arizona could confiscate it. The cartel shifted to large outdoor grows on public lands in the US so they didn't have to smuggle. My guess is that legalization will pretty much put a damper on their weed operations unless they get clever enough to make shatter and smuggle that instead. The meth/fentanyl cluster fuck is only beginning however. I remember round one of meth, cleaned up a few meth houses and saw some pretty disgusting shit. This time it gets worse.