How fucked is this plant (flowering stage)?


See title, this is my first grow, I decided to start flushing these plants 2 weeks ago and up to that point they were looking super healthy and progress was great... I took these guys out of the tent for the first time in weeks and noticed what I'm seeing in these pictures for the first time... the first image seems like the whole cola is destroyed, I'm seeing similar darkish coloring on some other Colas but not the white mold-looking formations. Also the leaves did not start turning this color until after i stopped using nutrients. I'm seeing about 5-10% amber trichs at this point, but the vast majority that i've been seeing are milky white.

Also, if I start cutting the mature colas off (up top), can i let the bottom part of the plant continue to run? i messed up this grow by not training or doing SCROG so the growth on the entire plant is varied.



You're in re-veg.

You sure you don't have a light leak during lights-off period?
Shit... yea I had part of the top vent open (i just have an exhaust fan and no intake to counterbalance). These are autoflowers... at this stage are there certain parts of this plant i can cut and others that might be doomed?