How far should i keep my 65watt floresent flood light bulb from my new plant?


Well-Known Member
i had let the seed germinat for 3ddays and planted it in a 8inch by 5inch cup last nite, it hasnt poped out the dirt yet but i dont wana burn it alive by putting the light to close, how far would u say should the light be away


Well-Known Member
put ur hand under the light, if its too hot for ur hand within like 30 seconds of keeping it there, its too hot for ur plant. Usually around 2-4 inches with fluorescents, but im not sure about the whole flood light one.


Active Member
CFLs shouldn't give off alot of heat but get it close to the plant. Id say about an inch but dont let the plant touch the bulb.

good luck

EDIT: sorry meant shouldnt


Active Member
keep the light a foot away until it pops out of the soil. Then keep it at 3-4 inches, if it starts stretching then lower the light 1-2 inches from the plant.

Also, socom meant put your hand at the plants level and if it's too hot for your hand, then back the light up, if it's not hot it's ok.
Also make sure the top of the soil doesn't dry out, if it's not damp spray it with some water making it damp.