How effective is central AC


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Got a few questions for you.

I've been in the process of finding a house to rent, I found one that has a PERFECT grow room for me in the basement. And i ended up getting approved for the house today! The room Probably measures 7x13 which is plenty of space for my setup. Something new about this room that I've never had is an AC vent in the actual closet, Its really just a storage area and the rest of the basement is finished. I would still be using tents because the walls aren't drywalled. But my question is whether or not the AC vent in the ceiling would work well enough to keep things cool in the room I obviously have lots of other fans for moving air. I will have (2) 600 watt lights. And will probably send the heat to the room outside of the grow room somehow. Also was just gonna buy one 8 inch inline fan I think it's about 745cfm. And use it to draw air through both hoods the carbon filter and out of the room. Pretty sure this fan would work well just wanted to check with you guys. I also have a 6 inch inline fan.
If you've got anymore tips for a room like this let me know.
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Well-Known Member
Unless the temp sensor for the ac is in that closet then its not going to be effective at all.

And... just a heads up... growing in a rented house is probably not a good idea, unless the owner is cool withthe herb...


Well-Known Member
The vent on it's own won't be. But if you attach an inline fan to pull cold air into the room with a variable controller, you can literally dial-in your room. That's what I do, I didn't have one in my room as it was a cold cellar but I needed heat in the winter and AC in the summer. Both come in through the vent I put in and attached inline fan.