How does she look to you? Too tall?


My first ever plant is on day 7 and her first leaves are now out. The first picture is my plant, the second picture is one I found in an online guide about what a healthy seedling should look like. The seedling in the example picture is a lot shorter and thicker. I thought we were doing great until I saw that. Is my girl too tall/thin? I have her on 24/0 and the light ( is 26 inches from the plant (that's what the guide that came with the light suggested. Do I need to move the light closer?



Well-Known Member
You may drop the light a few inches, and when you up pot it, just bury it up a bit. It looks fine, don’t stress. It’s hard to know how close to space a new light, burning is way worse than stretch, and some seedlings will just seem to want to climb up to it anyway.

Is it an auto? And what pot is it in? It looks huge.


You may drop the light a few inches, and when you up pot it, just bury it up a bit. It looks fine, don’t stress. It’s hard to know how close to space a new light, burning is way worse than stretch, and some seedlings will just seem to want to climb up to it anyway.

Is it an auto? And what pot is it in? It looks huge.
Thank you for your reply. It's not an auto. I put the seed into a rapid rooted which I immediately put into a 5gallon smart pot. I didn't want to mess with transplanting later on, so yeah, the pot is a bit huge right now. I lowered the light about 3 inches and will monitor how she's doing with that.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your reply. It's not an auto. I put the seed into a rapid rooted which I immediately put into a 5gallon smart pot. I didn't want to mess with transplanting later on, so yeah, the pot is a bit huge right now. I lowered the light about 3 inches and will monitor how she's doing with that.
So, how did it go? I imagine youre smoking it by now or it died and you started a new one. Only thing about putting it in a big pot at the start is over watering. If you can prevent that, youre golden.