How does she look? 83 days old

Had a random seed, germinated it. Grew really big, really fast at first. She turned out to be female luckily. It's an OG. She is currently in a 5 gallon bucket of FF Happy Frog soil. I'm brand spankin new at this, so i'm only growing one. I alternate the nutrients (GH MaxiGro) with my filtered ph water in between feedings. I attached some pics, would LOVE some innput. Thank you


Well-Known Member
It's root bound. You're going to need to get a larger container or dig a big hole filled with quality potting soil and put her in the ground. First rule of dope growing; The plant will only be as big as the root system allows:!: She also needs as much sun as possible to grow up big and strong.

You may want to look into LST as well, but first confirm for sure its female.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
It's root bound. You're going to need to get a larger container or dig a big hole filled with quality potting soil and put her in the ground. First rule of dope growing; The plant will only be as big as the root system allows:!: She also needs as much sun as possible to grow up big and strong.

You may want to look into LST as well, but first confirm for sure its female.

Good luck
Its not fully root bound. It could use a transplant to a bigger pot tho.


Just curious, how can you tell a plant is root bound without seeing the rootball//root mass?

I have a friend growing in 5 gallon buckets outdoors, and his are a good bit larger than ts's. I've let him know he should be in bigger buckets, and he did transplant one into the ground. At this time the one in the ground looks the same as the ones in the buckets. At what point should he see a difference?
I know for sure already that its a female. And I live in sunny hott so cal the weather has been around 100 degrees so sometimes she droops when she gets too hot so I put her in shade sometimes then she perks up. I had a bag with 3 random OG seeds and I picked one out. Its either Venom, Presidential, or Alien OG. And I would also like to know why you think it's rootbound? What signs tell you that. Will take more close ups pics of the nodes. And what is LST??


Well-Known Member
I know for sure already that its a female. And I live in sunny hott so cal the weather has been around 100 degrees so sometimes she droops when she gets too hot so I put her in shade sometimes then she perks up. I had a bag with 3 random OG seeds and I picked one out. Its either Venom, Presidential, or Alien OG. And I would also like to know why you think it's rootbound? What signs tell you that. Will take more close ups pics of the nodes. And what is LST??
It may not be root bound, but you want to transplant it soon so you don't experience stunted growth, that's all. My reasoning for thinking its root bound: You said it "Grew really big, really fast at first" implying that it has slowed growth. I also see from your pic that its in a 5 gal container filled about 2/3rds of the way:bigjoint:

As a general rule, for every foot of vertical growth you need a gallon of soil (the 10lb plants get 100+ gallons). I see you're new to the forums, so I want you to know everyone grows differently, and most people here want to help each other produce the best medicine. That said, everyone has their opinion, and if you stick around long enough you will hear them all.

Good Luck with this grow. If you have any questions post them and they will be answered swiftly:peace:

The LST sounds a little experienced for my first grow. I'm going to transplant her asap. I had a feeling that might be the problem. I've been lurking this forum for years, just started taking advantage of it recently. Thank you for the quick reply! I just want this one to come out healthy and supa dank. Anyways, here are the node pics as requested:


Active Member
The LST sounds a little experienced for my first grow. I'm going to transplant her asap. I had a feeling that might be the problem. I've been lurking this forum for years, just started taking advantage of it recently. Thank you for the quick reply! I just want this one to come out healthy and supa dank. Anyways, here are the node pics as requested:
Actually....LST is super easy. If you can gently push the stem over, put a piece of rubber coated wire (in the form of an upside down J) in your soil and gently hook the plant stem under that've just LST'd. Super easy and what it does is make the plant think there's an obstruction on the main cola so it starts telling branches below to take off as if they are the new main cola. You get a lot more bud this way. Here's a link that explains it and it's just not that advanced.

This great link is very easy to understand and explains all the major "trainings" to increase yield. Scroll down to LST:

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
The LST sounds a little experienced for my first grow. I'm going to transplant her asap. I had a feeling that might be the problem. I've been lurking this forum for years, just started taking advantage of it recently. Thank you for the quick reply! I just want this one to come out healthy and supa dank. Anyways, here are the node pics as requested:
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hmm.. I cant really tell from those pics but the first one you put up I swear I saw male parts.. and LST is really easy, its just tying down the branches so they spread out and make more bud sites.


Well-Known Member
She looks good but why is your pot only half full ?
You could easily get another 2-4 gallons of soil in there depending how big the pot is looks to be a 7-10 gallon pot.

I would pull it out and look at the roots. They are most likely squeezing the shit out of the soil in there at 83 days.
Add new soil under, loosen up the rootball and repot her. Make sure to put new soil on top too.

Watch her take off ....

Bigger pot if you want a bigger plant


Well-Known Member
Looks like two beautiful ladies in this thread...

Are you going to add anymore to the lineup? I find its good not to put all your eggs in the same basket. I just had 5/5 clones ripped up by a yet to be determined animal at one guerrilla patch. Good thing I have several:weed: