How do you view dealers?


Well-Known Member
Is this how most of you view dealers?

I'm waiting for my harvest and I refuse to go out chasing gangsters and thugs for supply er... medicine.
It is simple... if you buy, describe what kind of person your dealer is... he a normal guy?

..a stoner like you?

..a gangster or thug?

..a asshole like me?


Well-Known Member
A good buddy of mine and we smoke eachother out all the time, one day ill smoke him out then the next time he'll smoke me out..thats the best way to go, no bullshit or rip offs

mr thc

Well-Known Member is a dealer...i know so many i can't even generalize. The one I go to now is like a bipolar guy lol.


Well-Known Member
i get my bud from a dude who knows everything about everything but in reality he is full of shit about everything. these damn know it alls are starting to piss me off lol.


Well-Known Member
He lives in an appartment, and listens to Punk rock all day lol.

Works at Jimmy Johns.
Destroys kids in basketball.
I love him.


Well-Known Member
Well I only got 2 dealers right now and one is family and is cool.. My other dealer is a g, but he's cool he does his thing.


Well-Known Member
mine is family... he a wild dude, a real street nigga. and he usually hooks me up.

but hopefully soon ill be my own dealer.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 guys, neither of which are really dealers but refuse to hook me up with their guy so they get to play middle man (take a few pinches I am sure). One is family and a HUGE stoner but doesn't live close (college) so I only see him on holidays. The other is actually a reformed stoner and a banker of all things. When he buys for me he gets high and I would smoke him out if he would ever actually show up when he said he would.

Both of my people are INCREDIBLY unreliable, I needed weed last weekend, stated making calls on friday. My banker guy was going out of town the next morning and was going to pick some up that night (again, he refuses to let me talk to his guy). Well his guy was dry but getting some saturday, but he was going to be out of town so I would have to wait till sunday. My other guy got so baked he couldn't even text me back at which point I gave up because it was like 3am and I was shitty drunk.


Well-Known Member
mine is family... he a wild dude, a real street nigga. and he usually hooks me up.

but hopefully soon ill be my own dealer.
I used to know a guy who sold a bit of weed from time to time, was 19, 5'9", 120ish pounds and white as a ghost. He tried sooooooooo hard to be a "street nigga" but he was the guy everyone had at the very bottom of their cell phone, we will call him "Curtis"

Me to my friends: are you sure you don't know of ANYONE else?
Friends: Nope, curtis is the only one we know
Me: Fuck.....*dials phone*

Curtis: Yello
Me: Hey man, whats going on
Curtis: who dis?
Me: its Matt
Curtis: Matt who nigga
Me: Matt (insert last name)
Curtis: ah dawg wats crackalackin foo
Me: you got any bud?
Curtis: fo sho nigga
Me: where do you wanna meet?
Curtis: come by my crib dawg, dere is some fine ass hoodrats ova heer
Me: Ok, ill be there in a sec
Curtis: peace nigga
Me: *rolling my eyes* bye Curtis

I would get over there to see 3 skinny white meth head girls at his house. One actually offered me a BJ for $5 once.


Well-Known Member
some of them are dickheads only out for the cash others i dont know cause i dont even speak to them its just like *takes the weed hands over money* nice one *walks away*

but some are great who just want to share the beautiful plant and throw pure weed joints at me and make loads of smokes for free even though ive just bought a q or a half :D


Well-Known Member
this depends on what kind of bud I want when I'm ready to pick up.

I'll go to the a real G for piff. I don't even fuck with fake's.

I'll go to a close friend for Middies, sometimes they will have something special but it's usually not great.

I will meet up with an adult 30 or older for exquisite quality bud.

I know so many different dealers...some of them I have had experiences worth mentioning, others are just people I buy weed from.


Well-Known Member
I know hippie dealers, thugs, clean cut kids, old dudes, chicks young and old from all walks of life. As many types of dealers as there are types of potheads