How do you store weed without it getting stale?


Well-Known Member
If I wanted to store a pound over the course of a couple months how would I do it? I ask because one of my friends said it gets stale after like a couple minutes outside of the bag. Ofcourse he used a nick as an example and not a pound. Weed is as rare as diamonds where I'm at since i dont live in the hood so I'm tryin to make it last untill I can pick up another shipment up.


Elite Rolling Society
If I wanted to store a pound over the course of a couple months how would I do it? I ask because one of my friends said it gets stale after like a couple minutes outside of the bag. Ofcourse he used a nick as an example and not a pound. Weed is as rare as diamonds where I'm at since i dont live in the hood so I'm tryin to make it last untill I can pick up another shipment up.
I've got properly dried and cured buds in large-mouth Quart jars, that I stored over a year ago, and it is still very fresh.

Of course I keep them in a cool dark cabinet.


Well-Known Member
couple months? ive had my lemonshit for 2 1/2 years fresh as the day it came off the stalk man.... mason jars all the way


Active Member
I keep mine in a vacuum sealed jar, with a silica gel packet inside, and stored in the refrigerator. Make sure the bud is properly dried and cured before sealing in a jar.


Well-Known Member
How do you keep weed that long? Me N the wife were talking about storing in mason jars and we were like shit thats a while and I was like "yeah we will never find out we never store anything longer than 2 weeks" LOL


Well-Known Member
Yea this thread helped me out with storing like 6 pounds last month. I knew I could keep it long just didn't know what was the best method. My shit is stronger than ever now.


Well-Known Member
If I wanted to store a pound over the course of a couple months how would I do it? I ask because one of my friends said it gets stale after like a couple minutes outside of the bag. Ofcourse he used a nick as an example and not a pound. Weed is as rare as diamonds where I'm at since i dont live in the hood so I'm tryin to make it last untill I can pick up another shipment up.
Maybe it's rare because people don't sell to pot thieves.


New Member
if ur bud ever gets dry i herd u wan throw a piece of vegetable or fruit in ur jar or bag wer you keep ur stash at n itll refreshen your buds

grow space

Well-Known Member
strong weed is the best-just keep it in a cool dark place.the thc decreases over time but just a little, after lets say 4-5 years it lose some thc, but still can get you high really good.