How do you spot and handle foxtailing?

John Ames

Lucky (?) I never encountered any foxtailing before. I'm lacking such experience... I googled and learned. But I may not realize when I do meet with foxtailing. Do you guys have any foxtail experience and how do you spot and handle it?
Don’t know what the big deal is but some strains foxtail late in flower and some do not. Either way it is not as much a problem as it is a trait found in certain strains. It’s more annoying than anything else because what happens is you think you will be harvesting when you estimated you would yet the buds are still developing new white pistils on top of the mature ones. So then ya gotta wait til those turn orange and recede back into the bud. Patience is key
Don’t know what the big deal is but some strains foxtail late in flower and some do not. Either way it is not as much a problem as it is a trait found in certain strains. It’s more annoying than anything else because what happens is you think you will be harvesting when you estimated you would yet the buds are still developing new white pistils on top of the mature ones. So then ya gotta wait til those turn orange and recede back into the bud. Patience is key
Most of the time when foxtailing is from heat or light no amount of patience is enough for white hairs 2 stop. The bud will keep growing and producing fresh hairs. You just gotta call it when the rest is done. You'll always have a lil fresh growth on top
grew some mexican shwag seeds long ago. some of the plants had buds that were only, a lot of stem. never had to worry about stem-bud ratio so much.
Most of the time when foxtailing is from heat or light no amount of patience is enough for white hairs 2 stop. The bud will keep growing and producing fresh hairs. You just gotta call it when the rest is done. You'll always have a lil fresh growth on top
Fair enough…I’ve had more than a few sativa leaners that would not stop poppin off white pistils. If you can raise the lights higher or put it in a corner where it gets less direct light that usually helps mature foxtails quicker but I try to give them as much time as it looks like they need. A few white pistils here and there is usually ok but once they get to this point I go by overall bud density…..”Styrofoam” hardness.
foxtails ONLY at the top are most likely light/heat related.
when all over the plant its genetic.
unless your some yutz with lights blasting at the lower plant.
stop that.
Not end of world - carry on grow.
“ Finger buds “ were pretty much a given with landrace sativas or leaners that expressed that trait.

They smoke just as good as pretty picture buds - just not in bag appeal. Hell …. Early strains used to look like ragged weeds. Don’t overthink it.
Got a little Fox Tailing my Son didn't realize it.

Told me he was seeing white hairs to wait.

I've been trying some Bud and it is smooth and get a good buzz. Told my Son I think it is ready.

Son is like???
Rotating your plants can help if it's an environmental factor. Change the plant's positions, and rotate foxtailed buds away from the center of the light pattern.
I have problem doing this so I'll have to get my wife or Son.

Too late this grow but will keep this in mind.
Have your son build a platform to raise the tent to the ceiling. Then turn platform into clone, veg, or storage. I've seen a number of setups designed around mobility issues.
Have your son build a platform to raise the tent to the ceiling. Then turn platform into clone, veg, or storage. I've seen a number of setups designed around mobility issues.

Tent is all the way to the ceiling.

He raises and lowers the Light. I can do that myself. I just can't take the light out during clean up.

I can't do anything that takes two hands. Which is bad when you have it in your head you can do something and find out no.