How do you lower your PH w/o going to the shop?


Active Member
So it turns out that my PH is almost 8, wow.

Either that or the tester is broken as it shows PH around 8 on about everything in my garden. Then again, it all uses the same water source.

How can I lower the PH value using household items?


Active Member
you have a digital meter? calabrate that shit. my water is also up near 8. after adding nutes, it came in at 6.2 so be carefull. i had problems untill i got a digital meter.


Well-Known Member
lemon juice works ! but dude you can get like earth juice ph down g.hydroponics down for like 10 bucks from the hydro shops


Well-Known Member
Just add more tap water this will bring the ph down,almost every house i knoe has vinagar in this can also be used but i just always make sure that there is a little spacein the container to add a tad ore water.


Active Member
dude, throw that shit away! the meters/testers they sell at wallyworld,lowes,homedepot are junk. hanna makes a pretty good meter for about 80 bucks, model hi98127. there tech support is the best. you cant ph soil unless you send it to a lab, not accuratly anyway. what nutes are you useing? everything that goes into the pot should be ph"d at 6.5. if your plants look sick, check your ph runoff.


Active Member
I know they are worthless, but it's still better than nothing

I cannot get any good testers where I live, nor can I afford to order an expensive one.

So this is what I stick with.

I did a test and yes, it does show PH 8 for my tap water and PH6-5 for when I add lemon.

Added some lemon juice to my plants, we'll see if they like it.