how do you know when your done flushing your plants?


Active Member
Do all the leaves have to be dead/yellow? Im using a top drip hydro system and its on its fifth day of flushing. The thing is, today is the day i scheduled it to be cut down. A lot of the leaves are still somewhat green. Should I flush for a few more days or just chop it?


Rebel From The North
I start by watching the EC of the run off! When it gets to a low EC and your plants start
to yellow off your good to go with your harvest.


Well-Known Member
Wait until the plant starts to change color. It may go yellow, blue, purple, red, or combinations of colors. Flushing usually takes 7-14 days depending on how much stored nutrients are in the plant.

Good luck bro!


New Member
I go by run off. My ppm in my taps is 250ish, I flush to within 100ppm of my starting point. I can do this because of my medium. Rockwool can be flushed completely while like in soil you can only do so much. Watch for signs on the plants, you will see them start to yellow on the big leaves first and generally all over. They are starving and are eating themselves at this point which means their isn't much left for the roots.