How do you find a marijuana plant outdoors


Active Member
there is no set place. it is a weed that grows in many conditions in many places just keep an eye out. i have seen it grow wild in mississippi.


Well-Known Member
heh some growers put fish hooks in their plants. rip one of those out the ground copper bahahaha! >:oF


Well-Known Member
razor blades around the stumps. 12 gauge trip wires. ok first find a southern facing hill. any plot worth ripping will be here. now look for a nearby water source. ok your getting close. you are wearing camo and carrying a backpack correct. you wouldn't want to be mistaken for a fisherman. i here they kill fishermen. ok so now find a tall peak. preferable on an opposite hill. us binoculars. they color of pot is usually greener than surrounding foliage because it gets more care. so you still with us. no boobie traps yet. crazy mexican mafia bandits gun you down? no. you'll find it keep looking.