how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????


Well-Known Member
What is you opinion on Obama and marijuana laws? Do you think
H.R- 5842 OR 5843 have a chance now??? Since he used when he was younger he would relize that marijuana is not the fucking "Devil Weed" your ideas on this please.
Thank You:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
While I would love it (now THAT would make a history!) I don't really think it is gonna happen on his watch, tho we have a better chance with him than we wudda had with McCain.


Well-Known Member
While I would love it (now THAT would make a history!) I don't really think it is gonna happen on his watch, tho we have a better chance with him than we wudda had with McCain.
thats true McCain was saying " I will Veto every singel beer " so I dont think he woulda liked the green or them "Long haird freaky people" haha
clintion with his I did not inhale only got it worse so I was hopeing with someone who did inhale they might look at it as a medication insted of "a drug which it is 100% not!"


Well-Known Member
how can you say its not. i have known plenty of people using it for medication just to be able to move on with life ant not have to worry about the effects of some fatal disease or disability they have. it has saved lives. and "100% not" is completly untrue


Well-Known Member
Drugs and medicine are interelated, in the medical feild I know this. Morphine is DA SHEIT, but you can't grow it in your backyard. Pot is more of a 'threat' as it is easy to grow.

What an asinine species we are, to tell a plant that it is against our laws that it have a right to live......

Funny McCain would say that, since alcohol is what got the wealthy young hieress he married rich. Her family fortune was from firewater.


Well-Known Member
how can you say its not. i have known plenty of people using it for medication just to be able to move on with life ant not have to worry about the effects of some fatal disease or disability they have. it has saved lives. and "100% not" is completly untrue

no no no no i ment was it is "100% not a drug". It is a medication i use it for my anxity and panic attacks i used to not be able to leave the house now i can "ALMOST" go do anything.

a drug is crack or something made in your fucking bathtub. not sumthing that grows in my backyard like my pepper plants is all i ment sorry=)...


Well-Known Member
Drugs and medicine are interelated, in the medical feild I know this. Morphine is DA SHEIT, but you can't grow it in your backyard. Pot is more of a 'threat' as it is easy to grow.

What an asinine species we are, to tell a plant that it is against our laws that it have a right to live......

Funny McCain would say that, since alcohol is what got the wealthy young hieress he married rich. Her family fortune was from firewater.

i did not no that about his wife haha yeah it is funny but i heard it come out of his mouth o_O


Well-Known Member
no no no no i ment was it is "100% not a drug". It is a medication i use it for my anxity and panic attacks i used to not be able to leave the house now i can "ALMOST" go do anything.

a drug is crack or something made in your fucking bathtub. not sumthing that grows in my backyard like my pepper plants is all i ment sorry=)...

Then i apologize my bad man:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
What is you opinion on Obama and marijuana laws? Do you think
I don't believe Obama would veto the bill, if it ever got that far.

To meany older democratic members still in congress for it to gain any steam. i wouldn't look for the subject to even come up on the federal level.
State government, look for every liberal state to pass decriminalization laws........


New Member
I don't smoke any more, but I smoked for 30+ years and I hope he takes it off the books. I believe there is some medicinal value to the "drug" and no-one should be penalized for using medicine. I also believe that recreational use should be legal as long as one uses it responsibly. To fire up a fatty and go out driving around may not be the best scenario, as a 4,000 lb weapon in the hands of someone completely tanked may not be good. I've done it all, drank and driven, smoked and driven, smoked and drank and driven, I was extremely lucky and never had an accident. In fact, I actually believed I was a better driver while high, but not drunk. Now the most fucked up I used to get was smoking and drinking , wow, those were some great highs, but as I aged, I lost the desire to be out of control and at the mercy of drugs. so I quit. Sobriety is very sobering at first, but one can get used to it, and yes, even like it. At this stage of my life, I have no desire to smoke pot or drink alcohol. Thank God.


Well-Known Member
if it gets to him i dnt think he will veto it (i mean he's lips are turning black!) he prolly still smokes every now and again, i actually want to make a strain to honor him, jack herer, and blueberry and call it obamajuana lol


Well-Known Member
np bro how do you feel about obama and marijuana laws if i may ask?

I feel stumped because when obama first started campaigning he stated that he wanted to decriminalize medicale marijuana users. then when people started to bitch about what he said he changed his mind and told them he had never said anything like that.

i just hope he goes for what he had originally planed and hopefully all states will allow medical marijuana now that he wants to decriminalize medicinal users.


Well-Known Member
I don't smoke any more, but I smoked for 30+ years and I hope he takes it off the books. I believe there is some medicinal value to the "drug" and no-one should be penalized for using medicine. I also believe that recreational use should be legal as long as one uses it responsibly. To fire up a fatty and go out driving around may not be the best scenario, as a 4,000 lb weapon in the hands of someone completely tanked may not be good. I've done it all, drank and driven, smoked and driven, smoked and drank and driven, I was extremely lucky and never had an accident. In fact, I actually believed I was a better driver while high, but not drunk. Now the most fucked up I used to get was smoking and drinking , wow, those were some great highs, but as I aged, I lost the desire to be out of control and at the mercy of drugs. so I quit. Sobriety is very sobering at first, but one can get used to it, and yes, even like it. At this stage of my life, I have no desire to smoke pot or drink alcohol. Thank God.
so u just kinda chill in the political threads?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I believe Obama is going to have his plate full for a very long time. And if he ever gets around to even thinking about drug war reform, it won't be until his 2nd term.

I doubt he would push for this on his first term. Think about it, first black president and what happens in his first term? Decriminalizes marijuana. It'd make his campaign for 2nd term a little rough. However, I do believe if it was passed in the house and senate, that he would sign off.

Bottom line is, we can't rely on Obama to make this change. It MUST come from the people. Nov 4th had a lot of wins for medical cannabis users, but the fight is far from over.

Call your state reps, your governor, your congressmen, mayor, etc. Let them know that you DO vote, and you support marijuana decrim. Call them weekly. If politicians realized the widespread support, we'd see bigger changes sooner.

Under McCain, we probably wouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell. So I feel pretty good about it, and I'm glad I voted.


Well-Known Member
I believe Obama is going to have his plate full for a very long time. And if he ever gets around to even thinking about drug war reform, it won't be until his 2nd term.

I doubt he would push for this on his first term. Think about it, first black president and what happens in his first term? Decriminalizes marijuana. It'd make his campaign for 2nd term a little rough. However, I do believe if it was passed in the house and senate, that he would sign off.

Bottom line is, we can't rely on Obama to make this change. It MUST come from the people. Nov 4th had a lot of wins for medical cannabis users, but the fight is far from over.

Call your state reps, your governor, your congressmen, mayor, etc. Let them know that you DO vote, and you support marijuana decrim. Call them weekly. If politicians realized the widespread support, we'd see bigger changes sooner.

Under McCain, we probably wouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell. So I feel pretty good about it, and I'm glad I voted.
You're mixing up state constitution and federal laws all up.
reform comes from congress.
I repeat, obama can't even if he wanted to.
Call your rep and ask the cannabis question.
I'm telling if we can get that bill on his desk, he'll sign it:peace: