How do you determine which stage your plant is in?


I'm unsure which stage my plant is in so I was wondering what are some signs that seperate the stages? The two attachments are pictures of my plant and little side question but if you can clearly make out one of the leaf is curling down, any clue why that is?



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you mean by that, what stage it's you mean veg or flower?

What kind of light is that you have on it, looks a little stretchy.


Well-Known Member
Well your plant is vegging I assume, it really depends on the photo period you're providing though. If you're giving it more than 12 hours or light I'm going to assume it's vegging.

By stretchy I just meant there seems to be a lot of bare stem before the foliage starts, you could bury it up to that point really. It looks as if it wants more light, so maybe try and move the light closer or add another one. I'd fill up that container and bury the bare part of the stem to start though, and then put your light say 3-4" over the top.


Active Member
You could also put a fan on it that will encourage the stem to thicken. right now it seems a little thin. Like hubert said move your light close. cfls dont get very hot so they can be close without burning the plant. just keep the lights on it at least 18 hours a day untill the plant gets to about 1/3 the size you would like the total finished height to be then start flowering. meaning only give the plant 12 hours of light.