how do you bag your weed


when you get it from your guys how do you put it in a bag like that, cause i tryed it with sandwhich bags and it dint work


Well-Known Member
In reply to the thread title: I keep mine in a jar.

In reply to the message: I have no idea what it is that you are asking.

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
I usually use a couple boxes of these

Really though. If I had weed, which I dont, I would keep it in jars.
If I were to sell weed, which I never have, I would either just give them the jar, or use a large freezer bag. Because if I were to sell weed, which I wouldn't, I wouldn't dick around with 3.5 sacks. Buy a zip or GTFO.


I store mine in jars. But if you're using baggies, you just put it in. There's nothing to it lol


Well-Known Member
lol are you talking about the small bags you buy at the corner stores?
You just jam it in.

I cant see you talking about a sandwich bag you would have to be fucking Hellen Kellers son not to know how to do that

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member

I think what the OP is talking about is having the buds in a sandwich bag and having the baggy perfectly rolled up like a cigarette with no lumps or anything.

It just takes practice, and doesn't work well with huge nugs.


Well-Known Member
I just use my pockets.. it what pockets are for putting stuff in. Every once in a while someone will yell, "You dropped your pocket!" and I'll thank "ohhh shit!" but then I'll relize that you can't drop your pocket and I'll be Ok again. Later I might come home and play on the interweb thing. Sometimes people ask real reasonable questions and I like to try to answer them..

As far as the whole baggy thing, WTF?!


Well-Known Member
maybe he means dealer knots? ive gotten bags of shwag from dealers and they knot it up real nice, kind of hard to get out the tie if you aren't used to it. it's just a regular knot made with both top corners of the bag, the kind without the zip on them, right?


Is anybody on here familiar with the jack links shredded beef? It comes in a can that looks like a can of chew. A long time ago, I washed it out and now whenever I get a bag, I break all of the shit up and keep it in there. Simple.


I dont like to bother with bags....if I get some really good shit i'll keep it in an airtight glass jar.