How do YOU adjust reservoir PH?

Green Revolution

Active Member
Ok Rollitup,

How do YOU adjust your PH when renewing your res? Before adding nutes? After? Both? :confused:

I do both personally but was just curious what everyone else did. Has one method been proven more effective? Any insight into your reasoning or comments in regards to water chemistry are very appreciated. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Nutes alter ph, gotta do it after really. Unless your dealing with some pretty caustic water to begin with


Active Member
I dont use it anymore! After I add nutes i PH up to 5.7-5.8 by adding more protekt silica and I change the reservoir when it reaches 7.0(takes about 2 days), then again I use 10 gallons of nutes with 40 plants so I have fresh nutes all the time. Works for me look at these pearlys, 1 week clones 3 weeks of veg, 7-10weeks to flower(strain dependent)


Well-Known Member
i heard H2o2(hydro proxide) works well with killing unknown fungus, just do a little research on how much to add, it will make your plant steady at 5.5-6.3, thats better that flushing the water every two days to get the ph down. feel me?


Active Member
:weed:I have used peroxide(mad farmers oxygenator) but I change my nutes(not flush them) every 2 days because my plants use 5 gallons/day. No funky fungie here! I am going to change nutrient line to a simple 1 part grow/bloom formula and install a PPM controller and ball cock to keep nute levels optimum while I go on vacation.


Active Member
I adjust mine after adding the nutes so I don't have to do it twice, as several have said, the nutes change the ph. I have two reservoirs and mix the nutes in one large batch then transfer it to the res. I always mix enough to top off the res during the week also and store it in gallon jugs. Once a week I drain & refill w/ fresh solution, every couple of weeks I throw in a flush w/ Clearex & H2O2 just to get rid of any root matter that may have fallen off. IDK if that's right but it's working okay so far...