How do these look


Active Member
How do my little guys look after 2 weeks? all im using so far is 2 100w cfl's. im gettin a few more lights and gonna try a little homemade co2 setup on saturday.
notice the little runt in the third pic, hes just as mature as the others but really tiny



Well-Known Member
look better than mine that will be 2 weeks tomorrow. It's stretched like crazy lol


Well-Known Member
well I hope that you arent planning on keeping all of those together in that tupperware, might be a little late to transplant already, but Im not sure...

other than that just keep those lights pretty damn close and figure a way to seperate those other plants

the ones in the cans do look real nice though


Active Member
thanks graF. yea i know, i need to get those ones in the tupperware in seperate pots but i gotta get more soil first. i cant see the roots on the bottom yetso i guess its not too late.
and o'rly, u need to get some cfls or something better than incandescents for you little guys. if u havent yet.