How do i stop light from the window that is disrupting the light cycle?


Well-Known Member
I have a window in my grow room but since i live in an appartement,it would look extremely suspicious to have a window completely boarded up.
Any ideas to stop the light from coming through the window and disrupting the dark period?
What kind of curtains do i use?
No,i'm not tearing up my GF's pantyhose...


Well-Known Member
Close the blinds and or curtains and cover that shit with just about anything really. Not like anyone can see through your blinds anyway.


Well-Known Member
No i'm not stumped about this.
I just want to make sure i dont install curtains that dont do anything and ending up with hermies.
Thnx for the serious replies though.


Well-Known Member
Hey . . . you might try covering the window with that stuff they cover car windows with. Can't think of the name right now . . . some kind of poly-film, perhaps . . . you know, the stuff you can't see into, but can see out of?
Then the folks outside wouldn't be able to tell what was on the other side, and you could use anything to blacken the room, like cardboard, etc.
Just an afterthought.


Well-Known Member
Aha,got it.
I think your sig is pretty fitting for this topic ;) :D .
Just wanted to make sure,thats all.
Topic can be closed.


Well-Known Member
put any type of blinds up, then inside those blinds, put up a black blanket or something else to cover it. as long as the outside layer isn't looking funny (the side people can see from outside), there should be no issues...... another thing that I've heard of is building a wooden enclosure to put up against the window that has fake blinds on it, and behind the blinds put a little light (like the candle lights people use around Christmas). then people still see light coming from the window, and have no idea there is a wooden enclosure around the window.


Well-Known Member
Well thnx for all the suggestions!
I just tested putting cardboard against the window (just moved so there's lot's of cardboard)and it works just fine.
I'm just gonna hammer it to the wall with the blinds behind it and try not to make it looks white trash...