How do I no if my plants are in Vegetation???

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
as soon as ur plant sprouts from the grounds its in its veg state, 18/6 is a good light cycle at this point then veg untill u want to flower and switch 12/12.hope this helps


Active Member
Sorry what i meant to say is how do i no when there flowering? Is there any signs or anything i can tell by just looking at it?

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
if u veg a plant long enuff it will show pre-flowers, if female white hairs forming wher the nodes are, but if male then small clusters of balls will appear. u can induce flowering b4 the plant is ready by switching to 12/12, hope this helps


Well-Known Member
to elaborate your plants wont be in flower until you switch to 12/12 at that time you should start to notice within 2 weeks of 12/12 (unles they are auto flowering strain) And yes you will definatley be able to tell a difference.


Active Member
okay thanks and there females. there outside now so its the sun which is around a 12/12 sun. but the reason i want to find out quick is because i want to no when to switch from FOXFARM GROW BIG to BIG BLOOM. so do you think i should switch now its about to be two months in 5 days of being in vegetation??