how do i maximize yield


Hi guys im at the flowering stage i was just wondering how can i at this early stage start to get the most out of my plants (yieldwise)ive got blue cheese/ ak48 and church.


Well-Known Member
what lights you using? either way the closer the lights to the plant will produce more bud! make sure you feed them properly and they will reward you, dont let the temps get to high,

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You can get the most out of your plants by getting experience at growing. Unless your grow cab is seriously flawed, then there is no quik step to increasing yields, it requires time and experience and knowledge fo the strain you are growing.


Well-Known Member
the time for increasing yield is during veg stage. as mentioned, training is a good method. but yield is geno-limited. there is a ceiling for each geno.


Active Member
If you want to make adjustments to your plant to maximize yield, you have to do them when its in the grow stage. You can do things like supercropping or scrog to get increased results. The idea is, that in veg, you try to grow your plant horizontally rather than vertically... so that when you enter flower you have your light accessing much more bud sights. However, once your flowering, its best to leave them alone. At this time you could try to do some low stress training... tying down the stalks of your plants. That makes them more bushy... allowing light to better access parts. But now that you are in bloom, if you snap while trying, your kinda screwed. Time to do everything is when your in grow.


Active Member
add sugars to ur bloom formula. I like grandmas molasses, walmart $2.50
good point. i forgot about that. that can increase the size of your buds.

i add my sugars with a product called flora nectar at 10 ml/gallon. Not sure on molasses... but I think its something like a couple tablespoons per gallon...? not sure how many liters are in a gallon... 2.something?

*3.8 liters/gallon