How do I maximize my yield????

Miss Ganja

I have these three indoor plants that are extremely close to being done (maybe 2 weeks left). All in all the plants look nice, but the flowers are small. My friend told me that I can do something to the stems at this point that would cause the plants to change at the top and branch out more, thus increasing my yield. Is this true? And if so, how do I do it?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I don't really know at this point late in flowering I would suggest you don't do anything to it.


Active Member
^ I have to agree... your friend is talking about FIM'ing the do that in veg though, not 2 weeks from being done....Also, use nutrients/good soil, keep the grow room cool, use co2 if possible...doing all that will up your yield


Well-Known Member
They're both right! Don't do anything like that this late into flower!. Some unsulphered mollassess (sp?) would help fatten them buds up tho!