how do i feed my willy


Well-Known Member
got ya clikcin u dirty buggers haha not what ya thaught

got worms from wilys worms coming lol lobs reds and tigers

so many mixed views online different dos different donts..

alot say no potatoe peel, yet a vermi farmer here only feeds his potatoes
whats a good mix and ratio to leaf/paper to use,
how often to feed em etc, i have alot of veg n fruit waste to move , big family

askin here as im guessing no tillers here seem to research more than joe ,
and might get some hidden clackma links come up hehe

i got the basics but i wana superfuel my vermicompost, ii know clackma jim said barley is super fuel for them breeding and enzyme productions,
but any good routines?
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Now why did I think this was about a different willy?
Did you send pics to @Metasynth to rate?

I just feed them vegetable scraps and paper. No meat or fruits and that sorts me out pretty well.
Marijuana,green and brown, but only healthy leaves.
Still a noob myself,some of my dry fertilizer i also sprinkle in.Grit I guess.