how do i feed my seedlings once they get transplanted into dwc before roots come thru

use like 1/8 strength nutes .. make the water level about 1/8 inch below the netpot .. turn it on as the bubbles pop on the surface and the air escapes through the netpot itll create a very humid environment for seedling as well as splashing the rockwool keeping it just moist enough ....


Well-Known Member
hand water them at least twice a day until the roots drop. best bet unless you have a pump and hose laying around to be used. sometimes having the water level high in the buckets wont be enough to keep them alive on its own so a cup or two twice a day is the norm.


Well-Known Member
I know this wont help ya now but you should look into a bubble cloner (which can be built for about 13 dollars) or a diy ez cloner. I got out of buying anything and I don't have to throw away anything. I have 100% in bubble cloner! When I transplant I just set the roots on the bottom and fill it in with hydroton but any clean rock will do. Bubbles come up right below net cup and pop. I keep an eye on them for the first 24 (even thou I don't have to) and I keep the lights up for about 12 hour. Thats it. I have never lost one.