how do I duplicate this? 9 blade sets at 7 inches tall


Well-Known Member
well I dunno what i did....well...actually I do know what I did but am not sure that what I did is the cause. I have a plant that is seven inches tall now. I topped it at its second set of serrated split into three stalkes...two sides and the main continued growth. I let them get a couple more nodes and then topped them again. so I should end up with six main stalks...anyhow. the plant went straight from putting out five blade leaves to putting out nine blade leaves. unknown strain but good strain. anyway...does anyone know if this is more of a hereditary type of thing or if it is environmentally influenced? :mrgreen:

very top left plant in the first pic



Well-Known Member
Plants will have anywhere from 3 to upwards of 13 "fingers" or more on a leaf. It is really nothing special or anything to get all excited about. I have a bunch right now with 11 "fingers". Just keep em healthy.