How do I cross a male photo with a female auto to get more autos


Well-Known Member
So I stumbled upon some sour d autos on accident And I have a cherry diesel photo that turned out to be a male. Can I cross said male with said female and get autos? Also with breeding autos, since they finish faster does that mean I have to pollinate them faster? Because I have a bunch flowering already but I doubt this male will be ready to produce pollen for a while. Anyone have knowledge on the best way to do this or if what I’m trying to do will even produce cherry d autos. Thanks in advance
How far into flower are the autos? How long have they been growing? And is the cherry Deisel in flower yet?
If the male isn't ready, I would just save the pollen, and buy more seeds to pollinate.

And when that's done, you also need to make F2s with those seeds to bring out the auto trait
The autos are pretty far along and the cherry just started popping nanners. How long do I have to wait to get pollen from it?
How far into flower are the autos? How long have they been growing? And is the cherry Deisel in flower yet?
If the male isn't ready, I would just save the pollen, and buy more seeds to pollinate.

And when that's done, you also need to make F2s with those seeds to bring out the auto trait
And thanks for the reply I was getting worried lol. I have hundreds of these sour d autos so it would be no biggie to save some pollen and make a patch for breeding which I wanted to do anyways. Just need to know when I can start gettin pollen since right now it’s in my flower tent which I obviously don’t want it to stay in
Sorry you answered that. Little baked lol 3 weeks from now got it. Is it safe in my flower tent until then or probably not?
3 weeks of 12/12. Sounds like you're almost there. It takes about 6 weeks for a seed to develop. You can leave a pollinated plant or branch to finish making seeds.

The best time to pollinate is when you see a bunch of white hairs at the beginning of flower
3 weeks of 12/12. Sounds like you're almost there. It takes about 6 weeks for a seed to develop. You can leave a pollinated plant or branch to finish making seeds.

The best time to pollinate is when you see a bunch of white hairs at the beginning of flower
I just dropped some more auto seeds so I can get them fresh, the ones I got have been flowering for a few weeks already. Just so I’m not wasting my time and seeds will crossing a male photo with a female auto give me crossed autos? I also have the opposite if needed, male autos and female photos.