How did you do in 2019?


Well-Known Member
Watched my 1 year old turn two, hitting every milestone along the way

Renovated the master bathroom. Pulled off plumbing skills I never knew I had. Thanks, @srh88

Renovated an old grow room into a play room for my kid.

Went back to my very fun but low paying deck building job. Left for a less fun but higher paying deck building job closer to home. Got bored and decided to go frame houses. Got lucky and landed with a fun and very precise group of framers, along with a very big pay raise.

Started the year with an old Jetta and an unregisterable 88 Toyota Pickup. Traded them both for a pretty nice 1992 Toyota pickup. Loved it but it started scaring me with the sounds it was making in certain gears. Picked up a beat to hell 1986 Toyota Pickup for cheap and started driving it instead because its sr22 motor runs like a top

So I’d say it was a good year. Newish trade with better pay, 2 old reliable pickups to use, wife and kid are doing great. More remodels coming this year too

Still broke as fuck compared to when I was growing but family and work life are very good and no one died. Hard to complain about that
Watched my 1 year old turn two, hitting every milestone along the way

Renovated the master bathroom. Pulled off plumbing skills I never knew I had. Thanks, @srh88

Renovated an old grow room into a play room for my kid.

Went back to my very fun but low paying deck building job. Left for a less fun but higher paying deck building job closer to home. Got bored and decided to go frame houses. Got lucky and landed with a fun and very precise group of framers, along with a very big pay raise.

Started the year with an old Jetta and an unregisterable 88 Toyota Pickup. Traded them both for a pretty nice 1992 Toyota pickup. Loved it but it started scaring me with the sounds it was making in certain gears. Picked up a beat to hell 1986 Toyota Pickup for cheap and started driving it instead because its sr22 motor runs like a top

So I’d say it was a good year. Newish trade with better pay, 2 old reliable pickups to use, wife and kid are doing great. More remodels coming this year too

Still broke as fuck compared to when I was growing but family and work life are very good and no one died. Hard to complain about that
Hell yeah dude lol. You had some sketchy plumbing work already in your house that made me scratch my head.. but glad you got it figured. You do nice work dude. Whenever you want to team up to be a full build company I'm down
2019 blew by. Super busy non stop. My store did its 1st whole year of business and did well. All inventory is paid for and all employees were paid for a years worth of work.

Family is well. Wife kicked ass as usual.

Watch out 2020 cause Im looking to get into government contracts next!
Busy, busy year. Business did OK and I ordered a custom work trailer.
Daughter and my grand kid moved back in to try to save for a house deposit.
On Xmas day I got the news my son and his fiancee are expecting and will be moving back to our state.
Didn't travel as much as the year before but did eat out a bit and did see some live music.

Looking forward to 2020 and the big Five O milestone.
I don't know how I did in 2019. Part of me says "you did the best you can with what you have" and the other part says "you fuckin' suck".

Don't know which side is more right, I think the most succinct/accurate answer is "both".

I built a few sheds by myself while being completely depressed and struggling with it on my own like a too proud dumb ass, didn't spend enough time with my loved ones, got too stoned, again... WASTED WAY TOO MUCH FUCKING TIME, AGAIN... didn't manage to snap out of my habit of being an arrogant prick OR learn how to go to work at reasonable hours like a normal person and NOT GETTING FUCKING STONED ON SITE WITH ALL THE NEIGHBOURS HOME, which most likely cost me my (dream) job :wall: ...and I tried to learn how to socialise, that's going okay I guess.

I think I continued to do an okayish job of teaching my little girl how to be respectful to herself and others. I'm so proud of her. (and I tell her so).

I've been feeling like I've become a 'shell' of my former self over the last 6 months or so, need to man up and lose this fucking shit mentality and just GET THE FUCK ON WITH IT..

Today I saw a book and it reminded me of a school project I did. I decided I was going to use this book to try and break my new, growing addiction to socializing via social media, and to teach me what real stern stuff is made of, because I know for sure I'm not hard done by compared to so many others, so I must be just too soft, and I wanna do something about it.


I've bought books in the past to try get into reading but it never caught on. I'm setting myself a goal to finish this book this year.
I feel like the time spent reading it will be an investment, not only to find strength and courage from the words and pictures in this book to use to drive me forward, but to also break this bad habit I'm developing of feeling the want for "likes". I found myself posting shit before going to bed and waking up to see how many people 'liked' it while I slept. Pathetic. Fuck that shit. (NOT 'fuck this site').

I'm going to try to replace some of the time spent on here and getting stoned, with some time spent 'in' this book.
There have been no occurrences on this site which have made me feel this way, it's all from things happening within myself and my family life.
I will still be on here, just know that if I go quiet or whatever I'm only trying to moderate myself, nothing more.:peace::hug:

I wish my bro Damo was still here to tell me "YOUR SHIT IS WEAK MAN" so I could just get a grip and move on.

Please no sad faces, this post is written with :fire: in the heart. Send me strength. And joints.
Seriously though I know you guys have my back and I appreciate it immensely.

Thanks for giving me a soapbox UncleBuck. Please do me a favour and try not to tell people to kill themselves, even if you hate their guts.

Probably be back in the morning to see how many 'likes' I garnered.:wall:
Just know that if I don't there's nothing to worry about lol it just means I'm winning..
spent the whole month off January in the hospital for my heart. Got out for a week or two then back in for another two weeks. Spent the rest of the year trying to get back to normal and still Have to have a double bypass to get around blockages going to my left leg so I can walk more then a block and I’m only 51.
2019 wasn’t that great I’m hoping 2020 will be better.
I did ok in 2019. Got a couple bigger projects done, now I am in the process of building my first grow room. A friend of mine has been growing for 9 years is helping me, not physically, but with advice. I’ve also got a lot of info from this forum, I’m really glad I found it. So far this month, I’ve got several long overdue repairs done in the house, cleaned out a space in my barn for a grow, and really have done well, so far. My parents have health issues that required a week in Florida, but that isn’t too bad, and they are getting better.
spent the whole month off January in the hospital for my heart. Got out for a week or two then back in for another two weeks. Spent the rest of the year trying to get back to normal and still Have to have a double bypass to get around blockages going to my left leg so I can walk more then a block and I’m only 51.
2019 wasn’t that great I’m hoping 2020 will be better.

I hope 2020 is much better for you.
I've been disabled 8 yrs.......did blacktop work 29 yrs (the last 12 yrs I owned the company).......but in 2019 I reversed my diabetes. And lost 45 lbs.

Had gained 45 and gotten type 2 due to severe back problems. Back issues persist but mobility is much better, live in GF (since 1996) never left so a damn good yr.

I'll be 65 in Aug.
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