How did a male get in with my ladies? How did I miss it?

Silky T

Well-Known Member
It wasn't until the plants started to flower that I noticed. Is this when you find out? I immediately took it out of the garden and whacked it. Do I need to totally destroy it, like tear it up and bury it or will the act of dying in my compost bin be okay? Is it okay for my vegetable compost bin? Have I accidentally waited too long? Any advice will be appreciated. Oh, on the other hand, it seems like I read somewhere that male plants have more CBD than females. True?
hey @Silky T,
you have to wait till pre-flowers show to determine the sex yes, hard to say if you waited to long without any pics of the plant, but if there was any open sacks, you would see them and they would drop pollen, most plants take a few weeks after showing sex before they open any pollen sacks. no need to send the male into a woodchipper, just dispose of it in your compost and all will be well,
male plants have no use for CBD collection, females are really the only viable source for collection
Just place a bag over it to prevent pollen from floating out and compost it.
Water will kill any pollen, the other plants are probably not mature enough to develop seeds from exposure.

You can cut off branches, put them in a small jar of water, and collect pollen on a mirror as it drops if you actually want to make seeds.
The male that I just found that my friend had growing in with mine...first I sprayed him down good just incase there were any open pollen sacs. Then I had her chop him down (8 ft by 8 ft) and he got thrown on the bon fire. I didn't want to chance any sacs opening up and getting loose in the breeze.