How can u tell when nute burn is over?


Active Member
This is my first time growing ever. Four of my babies are about six weeks old. I'm using cutting edge solutions and at first I burnt them to shit. I kinda don't get it cuz they were fine at over 2.0 ec. The stems were a dark purple but the plants were fine. When I noticed the burn I flushed and lowered it to a 1.7. That didn't work so I lowered it to about a .9. They seem to like it but they are still showing sings of some minor burning. Here is a Vid believe it or not that clone is pulling through.


Well-Known Member
That's great you flushed... I use Compost tea it's the Bomb. I suggest u try it. I brew my own ( I got a 5gallon kit years ago. It has improve my growing & the plants LOVE it! If you research compost teas... U will see the benefits! Brewing your own is cheaper & a better product if done correctly. Highly recommend. Peace & happying growing.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I didnt answer your question... You can tell by the plants overall signs of new growth, etc. I was explaining that the tea can be benefical in helping the plant plant recover.


Active Member
I'm growing hydro though. My ph is at 5.8 and I have them watering for an hour then three hours off. I just want to make sure those bigger plants will be good to flower. Ya knaw wha I'm sayen cuz?


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry I can't be of any help in that area...I use soil For mother's & Soilless med. for flowering. I have friends that use hydro it's awesome. Goodluck bro, hopefully what you've done improve's your girls. And someone as some helpful advice.


Active Member
Oh sorry I can't be of any help in that area...I use soil For mother's & Soilless med. for flowering. I have friends that use hydro it's awesome. Goodluck bro, hopefully what you've done improve's your girls. And someone as some helpful advice.
Thanks man. I hope some one could tell me if they think these plants even have a chance. That's if they turn out to be females. They are a random assortment but not of low quality to say the least. I hope lol.