I started a thread about how cheap and easy it is to water cool cobs .......i posted it in the wrong spot . It belongs here l think? Can a mod or someone help me relocate? I'm a newbie.....thanx
I have a new tig that I plan on using to cap some 3" square aluminum tubing and plumb in either end with 3/4" fittings. I can make any length or configuration. The first was to show the average Joe what can be done with just a hand drill and some cheap bits.
the aluminum is wrought stock that I picked up in a scrap yard. $2.50 / lb . Idk if it's 2k,6k or 7k series but I'm leaning towards 2000 series with out a high heat treatment. I'm actually in the business of testing metal for soundness......
its about like comfortable bath water when the room was80*f when the room is cooler so is the block.
during preliminary testing my bro ran the main block for about 15minutes w out water flowing and u could still hold it but it was getting hot . Then we hit the pump and it instantly dissipated the heat, granted the water was about 65*f.
running for ten days straight it was about 15-25*f warmer than ambient in the room and the room had warmed up to 75-80f the air outside was 65 to 70 f. I have no real ventilation other than a fan in a doorway blowing in cooler air from other rooms at for a few hours a day.
Is the radiator necessary then? I guess it makes for a smaller reservoir?
I'm really keen on trying this in our greenhouse (have been gathering bits for some time) but not in the same way, I want to run an open ended system to pump from and return water to open tanks under the plants.. and warm the greenhouse in winter (as well as light winter flowering crops (vegies)) Keep us posted on the progress, thanks dude!
if your reservoir is large enough and ambient temps are low enough then I don't see why u couldn't for go the radiator . It is really determined by the size of the reservoir and how well the reservoir transfers the heat to the air around it. My system is an open loop in the bucket. No confinement of pressure the lid has a good size hole.
with a 5 gallon rez and 250w my block got hotter than I was comfortable with within 4hrs before I added the radiator .
now if u wanted to achieve a certain temperatures you could add an inline thermostat that would kik inn the fan after a certified temp.......
so seriously could someone copy and paste my other thread or find a mod to combine the 2 cuz I feel like I'm poking 2 chics in different rooms and they don't know about each other yet. I'm on a crappy windows phone at work lol