How can i get light to the bottom of my plants (pics)


Well-Known Member
ok my plants are side by side due to room space but i was wonderng how to get more light to hte bottom of my plants because they have filled out pretty well. what would anyone recommend doing. my plants are on day 12 of flowering. one idead i had was to put a florencet light running down the middle of the bottom of the plants



Well-Known Member
that looks great one idea could be to add a larger hps, or try some side lighting with cfl's, but i like your idea of a flouro in the center as well


Active Member
You and many others probably won't like this very much, but, I can tell you from experience, it is better to remove a few females than to have an over-crowded garden. Believe me, it really hurts when you pull them, but it is well worth it. I was told this by an experienced grower many many years ago and really had my doubts at the time (as I'm sure you will), but, he was dead on. After trying it both ways, I discovered that overall yield is much better if the plants have adequate space, as opposed to more plants that are crowded. It's up to you, but I believe in the end you will figure it out also, even if you have to learn the hard way as I did. :-)

(And they're going to get a hell of a lot worse than they are now. :-))


Well-Known Member
hey thumper do you have a grow journal for that or can you give some specs/details to your grow setup in looks good
a bit overcrowded like someone else said but with a little bit of thought and cvreativity all should end well, good luck.


Well-Known Member
no i dont have a grow journal maybe i should start one.but here are the specs of my room. room size is 8 foot by 30 wide. 2 rows of 9 plants.all in 3 gallon pots using happy frog soil.i have one 600w hps and a 400w hps both aircooled with a 6 inch inline fan as well a a circular fan you can see in the picture also i have a intake fan for fresh air.with mylar all the way around