How big of a grow box do you need to get seeds?


Well I plan on allowing 1 female and 1 male to stay together so that I can get plenty of seeds, and I was wondering how big of an area I would need for this. I'm growing a short strain, and plan on tying the plants down a little(forgot the name of that, something pressure training) to prevent them from getting too big even though they will have 2.5 feet.

Also, could clones safely be stored in the same structure, or would the pollen affect the babies as well?

Last question. How much lighting is needed for this process and how long does it take for the male and female to produce seeds and the female is ready to be harvested?

luvvin growin

Active Member
you dont have to leave them together very long at all.the female will be producing seeds almost immediately after pollenation.


That is pretty small, I'd hate to have an extra box to worry about that will only do that much work...even though getting a lot of free seeds from good crops will help me a lot. Would I be able to have clones put in there as well if I made it a little bigger? Once I start seeing any seeds, can I ditch the male plant(I will find something to use it for) and add the female plant back with the others without messing the others up as well, or is that plant stuck by itself?

luvvin growin

Active Member
the best way to pollenate is to separate the male,set him on a plastic bag,then take ziploc bag and put over the pollen sacs and shake.Do this to the whole plant until you've got enough pollen,kill the male,take a wet paper bag place over a branch of your female,get the bud wet,replace the paper bag for your bag of pollen,shake,wait 10 to 20 minutes, can seed a female this way,and not have seed in the main cola.