How are my *Outdoor Plants Doing* /First Time/Help/Tips


Active Member
I have 2 females blooming, Far as I know. They are 3-4 months. 1.5 weeks into flowering.

It's about 2 ft, what could be my hypothetical yield.

And what do I need to do now, besides water?


Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Seem a little small for 3 months, how is your sun and soil situation? Are you feeding any bloom nutes? I recommend MaxSea. As far as yield? Hard to say, I would remember her weight after you harvest. Then you will have some point of refrence.


Active Member
Seem a little small for 3 months, how is your sun and soil situation? Are you feeding any bloom nutes? I recommend MaxSea. As far as yield? Hard to say, I would remember her weight after you harvest. Then you will have some point of refrence.

Yea unforgettably, I was away for the weekend. It just so happened to be 103 the whole week I was gone. I have a friend, water as much as he could. But I lost a lot of bottom leaves....As far as nutes. She is planted "In" my compost pile.

Is it true that a plant will double during flowering?