How and when to top????


I'm thinking about topping my plants in the near future. I was just wondering what the best way to do this is, and how big the plants should be before performing this.


Well-Known Member
That's an easy sticky to find, too. You'll reap the benefits in a much better way if you research your questions before you ask them. Chances are out of the thousands and thousands of posts here your question has already been answered in a few ways.
Just make sure you have at least 3 sets of nodes. Otherwise I say top whenever after that. Also I would look into fimming. I have done both and I prefer fimming. Your call tho. With topping your only getting 2 new growth spots with fimming I have gotten 4 new growths and have heard about people getting much more. To top cut the new growth completely off. With fimming only cut about 80% of the new growth

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
Theres pretty heated debate as to whether topping improves yield or just slows down vegging in return for a greater number of smaller buds. A lot depends on how your strain naturally grows/responds to topping and how long you want to spend vegging. If you have plants of the same strain I would top one or top some and compare yield and growth pattern to find out what works for you. Especially if you plan on growing this strain in the future you should experiment with it.