how am i doing so far?


Well-Known Member

well i "properly" vegged for 2 weeks only!

what i mean by properly is that i used my 600w hps bulb etc...


Well-Known Member
looks nice man, nows the fun part when you let your plant do its thing and wake up every morning to some nice buds :D keep us posted


Well-Known Member
time for an update me thinks....

nearing the end of 3rd week of flowering.

all is well...



Well-Known Member
hey bro sorry to burst in here but the 2 plants from the last pic looks like fan leaves are yellow-cant tell with lighting-if this is third week that may be just a little too much yellowing for this stage of the game. that is exactly as she is supposed to look when she is done. did you stop feeding nitrogen altogether for this plant and when?

the plant to the left looks like she has had her fill of nitrogen but I think I see a bit of mg defeciecny starting on the lower part of the plant if in fact that is part of the same plant-again too early to have deficiency for this.

otherwise very very beautiful strain. that last one would make a good postcard. \
seriously bra, alot of people will tell you it is fine and perfectly normal but that is at the end say last 2 weeks or so. she will need nitrogen to finish forming the bud sites and it looks like it is being drained from the newer fan leaves now. soon she may slow growth to a curl or get stressed.

tell me what you are feeding her and when you changed nutes from veg to flower. exactly. you will want to take care of these things.
if it was 6th week-7th week great fine. but those left 2 will need a very precise amount of nitrogen. just enough to get her to stop sucking it out of her fan leaves for now and when you are ready to finish well she is already halfway done.
let me know-they are playboy girls all the way


Well-Known Member
yah bro looking again that middle plant is way too yellow-is it banana colored? next you will see the secondary growth and fans and bud site fan leaves yellow. a little yes ok but that is extreme there for 3rd week.


Well-Known Member
hey, thanks for your response =D

i really needed someone's opinion. i too noticed the yellowing, i am still feeding them. not full doses but i am feeding them regularly.

i'm not sure why 2 of them are looking very pale while the other one is still very green?

i'm going to start feeding them bigger doses soon.

not too sure if my nutes are good enough, i've been told they are. but we'll see.




Well-Known Member
no prob, tell me the nutes you are using and the N-P-K ratio's-should be listed on bottle. you have to proceed with caution here, bigger doses is prob not going to be the answer to what she needs to finish in the top form she is in. it will lead to bigger prob. tell me the nutes and ratios and how often you water and i will tell you what precisly to do...


Well-Known Member
cheers man,

well at the moment i'm watering pretty much every other day and feeding every other watering.

my nutes are

biobizz, bio-bloom

2.0 - 6.0 - 3.5

instructions say feed every watering, didn't want to follow those instructions though. thought it might be too much?


Well-Known Member
hey have you been feeding them this since day 1 or just flowering. if just flowering what were you using before? and on that last pic plant to the left-those lower leaves that are light green on the outside tips-is that the same plant or part of a diff plant?


Well-Known Member
hey have you been feeding them this since day 1 or just flowering. if just flowering what were you using before? and on that last pic plant to the left-those lower leaves that are light green on the outside tips-is that the same plant or part of a diff plant?
only since flowering.

and if i understood your question properly, yes that is the same plant.

i think the lighting/camera makes it slightly worse than it actually is. but it's still a noticeable color difference.


Well-Known Member
and one more thing. this yellowing-it happened from the bottom up right? meaning all the oldest fan leaves starting from bottom and going to top are yellow/yellowing? not from top to bottom right? b/c I do see some green fan leaves on the bottom. need to rule out sulfur deficiency.