Here is my setup:
2' X 1' 6" box
4" inline duct exhaust fan
80mm CPU cooling fan
Fully lined with reflective mylar
4x 100 watt CFL
Since leaving the seedlings in this set up I have removed 2 of the 100 watt CFL. Reason for this is because while having 4 100 Watts the temp was 113F & I was burning the leaves of the seedlings.
Now that their is only 2 100 watt CFL the temp has dropped to 86F & they seems happier.
All the seedlings except for the one bent one, have thick strong stocks.
The lights are about 10" above the pots. Isn't this a good distance? Once I start vegging them I will move the lights to about 6" from pots.
Any Advise is AWESOME!