How 2 Grow From Seed To Harvest

:leaf:Welcome to rollitup new growers :leaf: First thing is first: Step One:GERMINATION i found multiple great ways to germinate but i think the best way is to wet a paper towel an put the seeds in the paper towel an throw the paper towel in a sandwich bag for about 2 or 3 days wenever a little white thing pokes out of the seed. Step 2:POTTING watever type of soil u are using u should keep the pH level at 7.0 at all times. Bury the germinated seed as deep as 3 weed seeds some people say 2 but i think 3 is better doesn't really matter though.Step 3:Lighting For the first 2 weeks of your plants life it will be able to survive without a light but if growing indoors i recommend a T5 or a T8 light for vegitation stage an a HPS(HighPressureSodium) light for budding or a LED(Light Emitting Diode) light.If growing outdoors find a spot getting sunlight must of the day an put them there.(I suggest u always use ur own soil not that shit in the ground its no good.)Step 4: VEGITATION STAGE Vegetative GrowthThis is the period of maximum growth. The plant can grow no faster than the rate that its leaves can produce energy for new growth. Each day more leaf tissue is created, increasing the overall capacity for growth.With excellent growing conditions, Cannabis has been known to grow six inches a day, although the rate is more commonly one to two inches.The number of blades on each leaf begins to decline during the middle of the vegetative stage. Then the arrangement of the leaves on the stem (phyllotaxy) changes from the usual opposite to alternate. The internodes (stem space from one pair of leaves to the next, which had been increasing in length) begin to decrease, and the growth appears to be thicker. Branches which appeared in the axis of each set of leaves grow and shape the plant to its characteristic form. The vegetative stage is usually completed in the third to fifth months of growth.Step 5 FLOWERING when it comes to flowering if it is outside it will flower near fall an the end of summer but u can flower it almost wenever u want but i do not recommend it but to do so there are 2 ways i find to work great first you can put it in darkness for 36 hours no light at all but it still might go back into vegitation stage so the other way is put a blanket over ur plant without the blanket touching the plant an leave the blanket off for 12 hours of light if outside an then 12 without if inside just get a timer an have the lights turn on for 12 hours an off for 12 hours.Step 6 DRYING wen drying i suggest let it hang vertically for about 5-7 days.Step 7 CURING wen it comes to curing do not use plastic jars use glass an let it sit in the jar for about another 3-6 days. THEN ENJOY .