House arrest


Well-Known Member
Currently have some autos running I had to move out my closet and put in the attic near a window for at least some type of light my question is if u ever been put on house arrest did they search the whole house or just your room where your living/sleeping will I be good leaving them in the attic or should I kill them and call it a loss?


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Not sure how that works then. In the UK you have to walk around and set the area and you can leave out rooms you don't use. But that's with an electronic tag. Don't even think they check the house if you aren't tagged over here but they can turn up whenever and probably have grounds to search it depending on the crime.
my brother was on felony house arrest for 2 yrs about 20yrs ago (in florida). the ENTIRE house is up for inspection 24/7 any time the po feels like dropping by and looking around. NO firearms are permitted in the household either. good luck with the grow. if in a legal or illegal state and plants are found, you get your initial sentence reintroduced PLUS the new cultivation/manufacturing/distribution charges, all felonies.

good luck, don't drip the soap, and bulk up now at the gym.

best bet, buy the shit from your boy and grow later.
What are they gonna do... arrest you?

Seriously though I wouldn't risk it
No house arrest they put a bracelet on you that monitors your movement so u can't leave your house
my brother was on felony house arrest for 2 yrs about 20yrs ago (in florida). the ENTIRE house is up for inspection 24/7 any time the po feels like dropping by and looking around. NO firearms are permitted in the household either. good luck with the grow. if in a legal or illegal state and plants are found, you get your initial sentence reintroduced PLUS the new cultivation/manufacturing/distribution charges, all felonies.

good luck, don't drip the soap, and bulk up now at the gym.

best bet, buy the shit from your boy and grow later.
Lol i already did my time fam I'm getting put on house arrest for having police contact after being released
i was on a teather about 15 years ago, they just gave my parents the box to connect to the phone and put a box on my leg and thats it. no need to search your house
They search your hole house. I war on house arrest for 6 months and i pushed around 400 pounds across the country while i was on house arrest. I had 3 assault rifles and all kinds of hand guns. I hid them underneath the house thru a crawl space in my room. They wont look in your attic or underneath.
yea im sure it is differant from state to state also. if it were me ide kill them but that was my experience on it.
You can go pretty far on it. Out to the street like 200 feet from the box in all directions. Plus you can say yourgoung to church and most of the time they wont require u to prove it they will just authorize a time frame for you to be gone. You can also get a hair cut 1ce a week
You can go pretty far on it. Out to the street like 200 feet from the box in all directions. Plus you can say yourgoung to church and most of the time they wont require u to prove it they will just authorize a time frame for you to be gone. You can also get a hair cut 1ce a week
Yeah I'm not worried about movement my Po is cool I'm worried about the officers coming in my home and doing their search
My neighbor was on house arrest. The police never came out.

He was given the number to the place that does the boxes. He went got the box and hooked it up. They didn't even come out for that.

I wouldn't risk it though.