

Well-Known Member

Ive been running a 6" cool tube with a 250w bulb for longer than I can remember with no heat problems. However Ive just swapped it with a 600w hps and things are getting hot!!!

The room itself is fine, the problem is the glass of the cooltube directly under the bulb is too hot to touch and Ive just checked the inside of my Ruck fan and its really hot.

Ive phoned the shop where I bought it and he says that they will get hot but the fan will handle it, but Id feel more at ease if anyone here has run a cooltube with 600w hps and not burnt their house down!!! :-?


Well-Known Member
sorry cant realy help yea, i just ordered my first cooltube today. As long as temps directly below the light arent high i wouldn't worry about it. Im going to be using the same cooltube on a 1000watter, so this is bad news for me:-(. Best of luck and sorry i couldnt be of greater help


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply John.

Ive spoken to a friend who recommended I draw cool air in through the tube from outside my grow area as opposed to putting a carbon filter on it and drawing air from the grow room itself.

I guess that means Ive gotta buy a seperate fan for my carbon filter :-?

Time to raid my piggy bank I think!