Hot Fridge - Temp Help Please


FUll sized fridge....
1000 HPS
About 2-3ft from plants..
I have Vortex 6" 449/ CFM exhaust for cab.
I can get temps down to about 90-91 (F)
I know plants can do that tem with that high Lumens supplied, though they may drink like a fish.
Concern is that res for aeroponic system temps are going to go up obviously. I can separate res from grow area with mylar, but air intake comes from bottom, and even if I moved it up to plant start hight, I think res temps are going to go up still..

Currently system is under 6 t5's, temp isnt an issue, res temps are about 68-70. Not bad.

Suggestions on how to keep res cool, minus water chillers and such cause?

I can seal off the reflector with plexiglass and cut 4" hole to vent that out sepperately, that plus the 449 ZCFM wiil bring temps down a ton, and if I mylar the aero untit I may be able to keep temps reasonible.. but I dont have a way to test without sacfificing the crop, which are Blueberry auto's and 5 weeks in.. But the,y need red spectrum, the t5's are blue and you can see a big difference in flowering under them.

Lay some suggestions on me please, Im going to homew depot tomorrow hopeing for plexiglass and 4" flanges to vent the lamp out, but if the temp in that roomm is 80, so is my res temp, and thats no good. I need to get temps down to 75 or so I think, then with the mylar my res temps should hand around 70-72, sinse the unit is smach in the middle of a massive air intake and on concrete slab..

Hit me...