Hot day almost killed plant


well its just one plant in my closet and here we've had cool weather, so it wasnt an issue, but then we had one day last week which was really hot 90 or 95, and my closet is even hotter because of the cfls next to the plant. unfortunately this is just a first time ghetto grow so i dont even have a thermometer in there. so based solely off this picture can anyone tell me if it can be saved? the leaves and buds feel crispy but there is still fresh green growth with flowers at the bottom of the plant which makes me want to keep it going. its about 3 weeks into flowering.downsize(2).jpg


Well-Known Member
it looks done to me. but ive seen worse come back. just give it some b1 n water. pull off what ever leaves are dead. good luck. put a fan in there at least too