Hoped i wouldnt need to post in here...


Well-Known Member
It was all perfect, they were bushing like no other and seemed to be real happy with their surroundings...then...the plauge.
I dont know what happened, i left them for 2 days without water (which i thought would just be like the rain) and when i came back from break they were devestated...dried, shriveled...like skeletons of their former selves two of my ladies looked almost dead. Even after i put them back on the regular schedule they still dont seem to be perking up...

What went wrong? Was it the water schedule change? Why arnt they going back to normal?

Please...please help



Well-Known Member
Some growers say that you should water every 2 days i think this is rubbish if you have time to check plants every day then only water when plants are realy dry this makes plants search out water and you get a far better root system flush em once a week and i just use water i dont even use any nutes in flush gets rid of any salt build up but they look pretty good to me mate.any yellow lower nutes that works for me so it prob work for you.TYKE


New Member
wtf are you on about dude lower nutes if any yellow, yellow leaves is classic n def. but anyway back to the matter in hand.
that looks like its had wilt in conjunction with a serious nute lockout you got the start of the claw , get her flushed put her back on 1/4 strength nutes and add a bit of epsom salts should be fine in a week or so.


New Member
"Some growers say that you should water every 2 days i think this is rubbish if you have time to check plants every day then only water when plants are realy dry this makes plants search out water and you get a far better root system"

that is good advice

"flush em once a week and i just use water i dont even use any nutes in flush gets rid of any salt build up"

similar compounds atract eachother using a small amount of nutes will remove unwanted buildup faster and easier than plain water.

"but they look pretty good to me mate"

for real? or you just being nice? cos if you think they look nice you need to go to specsavers

"any yellow lower nutes that works for me so it prob work for you!

yellow leaves is a classic sign of nitrogen deficency yellow interveinal chlorosis is a sign of mg deficency, deficency's not overdose.

listen guy if your going to give out advice at least try to be in the right ballpark you could really do damage to peoples grows sayin sum dumb shit like this. if you dont know what your on about why say anything?


Well-Known Member
Whoa! Thats some serious nute burn...them babies are fried!! I would pull them plants up, fill the pot up with soil (not soil with time release nutes ) repot and flush the shit out of them. No nutes until recovery!!


New Member
bad innit, one of the worse i've seen musta been building up for a while but he hadnt recognised the signs. i bet it started off with mg deficency

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
read about pots that have a larger surface area don't promote good root development get into pots with more vertical sides,or at least larger with more volume they will hold moisture longer

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i've only grown sativa dom up until three weeks ago, the third and fourth pic look like small plants coming up next to main in pot....................checked out your grow great job i hope to get an indoor setup at that level by next fall


New Member
i've only grown sativa dom up until three weeks ago, the third and fourth pic look like small plants coming up next to main in pot....................checked out your grow great job i hope to get an indoor setup at that level by next fall
thanks man yeah i had a look back and see what you mean now but thats just bottom branches. get some big plants indoors m8 they love it :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you can see that they are in need of bigger pots or alot more dirt, then u wont have to worry about watering so much, the bigger the pot, the more dirt, the less watering,,,, peace bro......:idea::weed:


Active Member
Tyke, you must grow some magic shit, the emperor's new weed. Or general science just doesn't apply in your garden! Either way, keep posting brother, it's well funny, just make sure you put a "FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY" label on the end of every post, just in case there's more people like you out there, ha ha.


Well-Known Member
Well holy fuck me this was a trip to read, go away for 12 hours and i have a dozen stoners talking to me.
Anyways heres why i dont think its lockout, They were flourishing beyond belief until i went home for break. If you look at my grow you will be able to tell that they are green and healthy up until then. This all happened in the span of 2 days.
As for bigger pots thats not a bad idea...however when i started i ended up planting the germs a litttttle too deep so there already deep in there. This required me to take out a little dirt so the water hit the roots faster but not i think it might not have been good. I still have the soil so i can put more in...but do roots grow upwards?

And no there is only one plant in that pot, those are side branchings. There almost ready to flower.