Hoop dancer; any hulahoopers out there?


Well-Known Member
Fell I need love with hula hooping about a year ago; my shoulder and back injuries prevented me from working out as normal.

Hula hooping I'm in the momment and I'm the moment of the song and the flow.. nothing else matters!

It's basically kept me from being so depressed about having rotator cuff disease at such a young age plus scoliosis and nerv damage in my neck.

(Car accident, skiing accident , and when I was a kid jumping accident lol; plus born with a broken shoulder due to me being stuck sideways in the north canal and the doctors having to use tongs to break my shoulder to come out)

Yeah sorry ranting but also excited, I get m new hoop soon and it's my very first "hoop". Meaning not a plastic piece of crap that I've been dealing with from the dollar store lolol

If you hoop, please post your ig if you have one or just a video of you doing some tricks; I'll be posting a video of I can lol