Honestly Speaking...In What Year Do You Think Marijuana Will Be Legal?


Active Member
I want honest/realistic answers. We can see a more progressive approach to drugs now being discussed in Europe, with Portugal's successful attempt at decriminalizing all drugs. Not to mention, Canada almost had marijuana decriminalized in 2005, if it wasn't for Mr. Bush and friends.

We also have a growing movement in California, and also right across the border Mexico has seen one of the worst gang violence in it's history, that is no doubt a result of the cartels reaping the benefits of drug prohibition. I certainly do not see Mexico being that stupid in allowing their people to be murdered day after day in a senseless war.

So I ask again, when, more specifically what year do you think we will see Marijuana be legal in the US? Do you think other countries will move first to initiate a new philosophy on drugs? Or will America be the first innovators in a new social policy?

My take, Canada moves first, but it will take 10-15 more years. Obviously depends on who is in power. Given the fact that the Liberal party has already tried to get more lenient laws passed and more than 50% of the general Canadian public agrees with the fact that Marijuana should be legalized I say Canada is a real candidate in getting it done. Although the Conservatives are in power and are trying to push a law that would make harsher penalties on drug possession, I seriously doubt the opposing parties will support that bill and given the fact that Conservatives hold a minority government, I don't think it will get passed. With that said I see Europe moving next after 5 years, and finally in 50 or so odd years I see US getting on the bandwagon and having Marijuana legalized federally......lol


Active Member
its all about $, it wont be much longer. if cali goes legal and snags on to a nice chunk of change, then other cash strapped states will follow very quickly.

the deep south and midwest will be last, still alot of old scared reefer madness bible thumpers that need to die off, then the world is ours.


If Cali legalizes it this year, then I'm pretty sure some other states will follow within 5 years, and then maybe in 10-15 years most if not the whole US will have it legalized.


Well-Known Member
i think it will take more like 15 - 20 before it is legal everywhere in the us.. some states held out on alcohol sales for decades after it was federally legal.. one into the 1980's..


Well-Known Member
The U.S. (and Canada) are signatories to a U.N. treaty limiting the proliferation of illegal drugs. Since the U.S. STILL classifies cannabis as a 'Schedule 1 drug' it will likely remain illegal at the federal level for years. Even IF the U.S. decided to 'legalize' it, they would be in direct violation of the U.N. treaty and the U.N. would make a big stink about that. Next up would be Mexico since they DO NOT want it legal in the U.S. The illegal drug trade is THE gross national product there. And, for the record- this has NOTHING to do with Obama. he has very openly stated MANY times he is not for legalization in any way, shape or form. Google has lots of hits on the topic for you non-believers.


Well-Known Member
it will be a long time besides what has already been said another reason is our governments drug erradication program. the people who fly around and find outdoor grows. once our government starts a program they dont like to stop it. a lot of people willl lose their job (which i dont give a fuck about the morons that rip up harmless plants for a living and actually feel like their doing something to help people) they will lose their jobs and feel stupid that they been doing that the whole time. the government does not like to look stupid which is another reason they wont legalize. they will have to admit they spent billions of tax payer dollar for no reason. we have to get more politician to grow some balls and openly talk about how harmless pot is. people are scared to say what they feel. thats why almost every single politician who is against homosexual marriage/antihomosexual in general is gay themselves. or has a gay family member.


Well-Known Member
right.. they cannot suddenly contradict 75 years of their stance overnight.. just like obama cannot do things overnight - these changes come gradually and with compromises and hold outs all along the way..

the gay marriage thing is totally insane though.. i didn't predict that one..

an important thing i have been realizing is the scope of the propaganda campaign that lasted for 37 long years - imagine every day in the paper in place of the meth epidemic and horizon leak there are stories about mexicans going berserk and massacring innocents because of marihuana - that is why people believe that pot is bad.. it has been hammered into our forefathers' heads..

some quotes from the past 73 years:
“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.”
“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.”
“Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”
“Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”
“Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”
“You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.”
“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”
“In the year 1090, there was founded in Persia the religious and military order of the Assassins, whose history is one of cruelty, barbarity, and murder, and for good reason: the members were confirmed users of hashish, or marihuana, and it is from the Arabs’ ‘hashashin’ that we have the English word ‘assassin.’”

"Marihuana makes fiends of boys in thirty days — Hashish goads users to bloodlust.”
“By the tons it is coming into this country — the deadly, dreadful poison that racks and tears not only the body, but the very heart and soul of every human being who once becomes a slave to it in any of its cruel and devastating forms…. Marihuana is a short cut to the insane asylum. Smoke marihuana cigarettes for a month and what was once your brain will be nothing but a storehouse of horrid specters. Hasheesh makes a murderer who kills for the love of killing out of the mildest mannered man who ever laughed at the idea that any habit could ever get him….”
Users of marijuana become STIMULATED as they inhale the drug and are LIKELY TO DO ANYTHING. Most crimes of violence in this section, especially in country districts are laid to users of that drug.”
“Was it marijuana, the new Mexican drug, that nerved the murderous arm of Clara Phillips when she hammered out her victim’s life in Los Angeles?… THREE-FOURTHS OF THE CRIMES of violence in this country today are committed by DOPE SLAVES — that is a matter of cold record.”
The marihuana cigarette is one of the most insidious of all forms of dope, largely because of the failure of the public to understand its fatal qualities.​
The Nation is almost defenseless against it, having no Federal laws to cope with it and virtually no organized campaign for combating it.​
The result is tragic.​
School children are the prey of peddlers who infest school neighborhoods.​
High school boys and girls buy the destructive weed without knowledge of its capacity of harm, and conscienceless dealers sell it with impunity.​
This is a national problem, and it must have national attention.​
The fatal marihuana cigarette must be recognized as a deadly drug, and American children must be protected against it.​
The committee passed the legislation on. And on the floor of the house, the entire discussion was:​
Member from upstate New York: “Mr. Speaker, what is this bill about?”
Speaker Rayburn: “I don’t know. It has something to do with a thing called marihuana. I think it’s a narcotic of some kind.”
“Mr. Speaker, does the American Medical Association support this bill?”
Member on the committee jumps up and says: “Their Doctor Wentworth[sic] came down here. They support this bill 100 percent.”
And on the basis of that lie, on August 2, 1937, marijuana became illegal at the federal level.​
The entire coverage in the New York Times: “President Roosevelt signed today a bill to curb traffic in the narcotic, marihuana, through heavy taxes on transactions.”​
Anslinger even had the ability to circumvent the First Amendment. He banned the Canadian movie “Drug Addict,” a 1946 documentary that realistically depicted the drug addicts and law enforcement efforts. He even tried to get Canada to ban the movie in their own country, or failing that, to prevent U.S. citizens from seeing the movie in Canada. Canada refused. (Today, Drug Czar John Walters is trying to bully Canada into keeping harsh marijuana laws.)​
Anslinger had 37 years to solidify the propaganda and stifle opposition. The lies continued the entire time (although the stories would adjust — the 21 year old Florida boy who killed his family of five got younger each time he told it). In 1961, he looked back at his efforts:​
“Much of the most irrational juvenile violence and that has written a new chapter of shame and tragedy is traceable directly to this hemp intoxication. A gang of boys tear the clothes from two school girls and rape the screaming girls, one boy after the other. A sixteen-year-old kills his entire family of five in Florida, a man in Minnesota puts a bullet through the head of a stranger on the road; in Colorado husband tries to shoot his wife, kills her grandmother instead and then kills himself. Every one of these crimes had been proceeded [sic] by the smoking of one or more marijuana “reefers.” As the marijuana situation grew worse, I knew action had to be taken to get the proper legislation passed. By 1937 under my direction, the Bureau launched two important steps First, a legislative plan to seek from Congress a new law that would place marijuana and its distribution directly under federal control. Second, on radio and at major forums, such that presented annually by the New York Herald Tribune, I told the story of this evil weed of the fields and river beds and roadsides. I wrote articles for magazines; our agents gave hundreds of lectures to parents, educators, social and civic leaders. In network broadcasts I reported on the growing list of crimes, including murder and rape. I described the nature of marijuana and its close kinship to hashish. I continued to hammer at the facts.
I believe we did a thorough job, for the public was alerted and the laws to protect them were passed, both nationally and at the state level. We also brought under control the wild growing marijuana in this country. Working with local authorities, we cleaned up hundreds of acres of marijuana and we uprooted plants sprouting along the roadsides.”


Well-Known Member
yea the gay thing was just an example.... but if you have been paying attention to the news the guy who was against gays brought a boy toy off rent a boy on vacation with him.... sseveral other instances like this have happened

so please dont call me insane.


Well-Known Member
eh? i just mean that the whole gay marriage ban is insane - not your idea..!
that was really the guy who got it started? what a closet dickhead...!
sorry if my wording is stoned out! lol..


Well-Known Member
hey no problem..... i dont know if he got it starrted he is just one of the many hypocrite politicians that go around telling people not to do something that they themselves do all the time. there all dickheads


Well-Known Member
it seems like the people with power in the world have consistently been the dickheads,, before politicians and priests it was lords and kings and clerics, knights and nobles, before that pharaohs and roaming warlords, before that sooth sayers and tribal warriors.. and they have all been dickheads and started massive conflicts for no good hearted reasons... it is a funny side effect of human beings - the world needs people to run things in good spirit i think in the future.. then we will respect their opinions and choices if it is obvious that they are acting non-selfishly and with good will..