Honest thoughts on Budwashing outdoor plants?


New Member
Sup guys hope everyone is good. Just wanted to know from you guys regarding bud washing, peoples honest thoughts/opinions and the steps used in budwashing, as I am contemplating on doing it for the 2 reasons of dirt on the plsnt as well as spider mites.

Thanks fam.
Bud washing has its merits, if you're dealing with PM or bud rot then it's probably a good idea. I once bought some weed, in the bad old days before legalization(last bag I ever bought), from an indoor grower in Tahoe. He had a little dog named Snicklefritz and all his weed had so much dog hair in it that we called the strain he was growing "Snicklefritz". It was a Romulan cross but Snicklefritz felt more appropriate, there was so much dog hair that it made a sizzle/crackly noise when you smoked it. That guy needed to wash his buds!

I don't do it but to each their own. If you're growing in an area with a lot of hair or airborne contaminants, or in an environment where mold is an issue do some bud washing. Indoor, where most of the airborne particulates are made up of human and pet dander, or if your outdoor environment that is prone to mold I can see why people would be concerned. I don't do it because where I grow there is very little mold, and not a lot of air pollution or other particulates.

But like I said to each their own, just let it ride, or give it a try and see what you think. Skin your cat in the way of your choosing.
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I always wash my outdoor harvest. I use three 5 gal buckets filled with RO water. I put 1 cup of H2O2, couple TBS of baking soda, and squeeze a lemon in the first bucket. The 2nd and 3rd bucket are clean RO H2O. I skim the top of the first bucket frequently with a strainer. I've strained out dead spiders, ants, and catapillars out of the first bucket. Just hang them in a good breeze for a couple hours to dry.
My honest thoughts, from everything I have read and watched is unless you are growing outside and there is literal dust and dirt on your plants, its a waste of time. It wont fix anything like bud rot or bugs and just generally isnt worth the effort unless they are actually dirty. If your going to do it however, I would do it BEFORE you dry, because once a plant is dried you do not want to get it wet, you just triple your chances of rot.
Outdoor gals all get the bud wash. I take them down to their buds by hand, trim them up with my TrimPro machine, and 3 bucket wash system. One with lemon juice/baking soda and water, then 2 more buckets of water to rinse and a spin in my salad spinner to remove excess water. Then they get thrown into my freeze dryer and I’ll be smoking her like 24hrs later. The amount of bugs and crap that come off your buds is amazing, plus I have 2 very active golden retrievers kicking up dirt/shedding fur.
I use Dr Zymes for my budwash then a couple rinse bucket they get plunged into for outdoor. Have not washed my indoor.
In the summer heat when watering with my hose, I'll change the setting to mist or shower and give everything a rinse. I will not wash the plants after flowering starts. too many issues with bud rot where I live. Never noticed any debris in the buds
In the summer heat when watering with my hose, I'll change the setting to mist or shower and give everything a rinse. I will not wash the plants after flowering starts. too many issues with bud rot where I live. Never noticed any debris in the buds
I do this too, I rinse my plants off into September.
What I find interesting whenever this subject comes up is that almost always there are folks who comment that they always wash their outdoor but don't wash their indoor. Indoor air is far more contaminated than outdoor air, 2 to 5 times.

"According to the EPA, however, the levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels, and in some cases these levels can exceed 100 times that of outdoor levels of the same pollutants."
"Studies have found that levels of several organics average 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors."

Indoor pot is much dirtier than outdoor.
So far I haven't done the dipping to wash my plants. I've been sort of lucky that we have had heavy rains shortly before harvest, then the day before chopping they get a light hosing off.

Most of my stuff is made into bubble hash and is washed then.
I do this too, I rinse my plants off into September.
What I find interesting whenever this subject comes up is that almost always there are folks who comment that they always wash their outdoor but don't wash their indoor. Indoor air is far more contaminated than outdoor air, 2 to 5 times.

"According to the EPA, however, the levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels, and in some cases these levels can exceed 100 times that of outdoor levels of the same pollutants."
"Studies have found that levels of several organics average 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors."

Indoor pot is much dirtier than outdoor.
Lots of people are slobs. Lots of people have pets and allow them to run everywhere. I see it all the time. However, myself and many others are extremely obsessive types who keep their indoor grow space surgically-clean. Most indoor growers who use tents also incorporate inline fans and filters as well as running separate, stand-alone air purifiers, as well. I also run a MERV 13 furnace filter and all my fresh-air intakes have filters on them. All that extra air-filtration is where most all of the indoor dust and contaminants end up...and, at the end of a grow, there's very little of it. About the only thing I've ever noticed on my indoor plants are the very seldom-seen piece of thread that wore off of the tent zipper. And, quite frankly, I'd rather deal with something like that than I would to have to deal with bug eggs and bug shit -or whatever chemicals the neighbor is spraying that drift on the air. There are SO many uncontrollable factors associated with outdoors grows. Indoor, done properly, is always going to produce cleaner product.
Not everyone has neighbors, or neighbors who spray weird stuff, I could see how that would be problematic though if you did. You bring up a good point about running air purifiers and/or filtration on intake air, I bet that could improve things significantly.
I think "clean" is a subjective term, the idea of bug shit,(not that I grow buggy plants) or pine needles on my buds doesn't bother me near as much as the idea of human dander, dust, or zipper threads, but to each their own. That's the great thing about growing your own, you don't have to rely on anyone else's idea of what is "clean".

It sounds like you really care about the cleanliness of your pot. You probably grow some amazing, clean, weed, I'd love to try it. Wish you could try mine.

I should change my previous statement from, "Indoor pot is much dirtier than outdoor.", to, A lot of indoor pot is much dirtier than outdoor pot.
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Am I the only one here that's knowingly smoked spider mites? Long time ago, I remember seeing the little bastards on some top shelf I bought a gram of and I was like, okay guys, it's time to burn in hell...

The only way I would wash my buds is if they had mildew and I would use a light brushing technique.
Don't wash bud!!!, take a air compressor hose and snap in a blow device and blow them off,works great,and removes beat leaves and any other debris,while not risking getting your plants moldy. I grow outdoors and use this method,I have a portable compressor also,don't have to use a big garage style compressor.
ive washed my buds- the first thing you notice is how much crap is stuck on those buds-- but now i jus keep my greenhouse as cleaannnnnnnnn as possible - cuz im too lazy to add bud washing to my harvest-dry-cure cycle