HomeMade Fertilizer


Active Member
This is a home-made fertilizer you can use to help grow your plants, with things you find in the kitchen. This will work just like any other commercial fertilizer you buy from the store. If you use to much you will burn your plants, start with a small dosage and see how your plants react to it. (I use 1/4. teaspoon and my plants love it)
8oz. Used Coffee Grounds
2. Single-Serve Bag of Green Tea
2. Single-Serve Bag of Black Tea
6. Egg Shells
Place layers of newspaper/paper towels onto a cookie sheet.(Newspaper on Bottom Paper Towels on Top) Lay used coffee grounds out on paper towels allowing moisture to dry out over night. (If you do not have used coffee grounds at home your local neighborhood StarBucks will more then gladly give you theirs)
Allow the Egg Shells and Tea Bags to also dry (leaving the tea in theirs bags) over night.
Combine all dried ingredients into a blender and chop until egg shells become powdered form.
Pour the mixture into jar and screw on lid to keep in moisture and store in a cool, dry space.

Sprinkle this around the base of your plants AFTER their next feeding, while the soil is still damp.
Repeat when all fertilizer has been absorbed into soil